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As blend the hues of earth and heaven,
By fountains hymning Love,
Thy voice and smile, at twilight even,
Haunt every whispering grove;
The clouds, thy throne—the stars, thine eyes,
The diamond vault, thy brow—
Why should I quench these ecstacies
Without a prayer and vow?
Why should the burning glance of mind
On Memory's ruin gleam,
When warcries thrill the morning wind—
Love voices, evening's beam?
Should doubt and gloom pervade the heart
Where Love with Fame reposes?
And Hope, the rainbow seraph, part
From Pleasure's realm of roses?
When Peril round the banner rallies
Of heroes wrapt in war,
Should sighs and tears in woodland vallies
Dim each triumphant star?
No!—Glory is the lord of Love,
His triumph-cries, its pinions;
The palm-crown, borne by Beauty's dove,
Waves o'er the world's dominions!