University of Virginia Library



Why need I seek some burden small to bear
Before I go?
Will not a host of nobler souls be here,
Heaven's will to do?
Of stronger hands, unfailing, unafraid?
O silly soul! what matters my small aid
Before I go!
I tried to find, that I might show to them,
Before I go,
The path of purer lives: the light was dim,
I do not know
If I had found some footprints of the way;
It is too late their wandering feet to stay,
Before I go.
I would have sung the rest some song of cheer,
Before I go.
But still the chords rang false; some jar of fear,
Some jangling woe.
And at the end I cannot weave one chord
To float into their hearts my last warm word,
Before I go.


I would be satisfied if I might tell,
Before I go,
That one warm word,—how I have loved them well,
Could they but know!
And would have gained for them some gleam of good;
Have sought it long; still seek,—if but I could!
Before I go.
'T is a child's longing, on the beach at play:
“Before I go,”
He begs the beckoning mother, “Let me stay
One shell to throw!”
'T is coming night; the great sea climbs the shore,—
“Ah, let me toss one little pebble more,
Before I go!”