The accompt of A. B. for all things in settinge out and furnishinge of the Ship called
the Supply sent from Bristoll in September. 1620. wth [56] p̱sons
Bought at London. |
ffor .15. grosse of buttons |
xjs |
xjd |
ffor .60. elns of linnen cloth |
lvs |
ffor .15. elns of canvas |
xvjs |
iijd |
ffor .10. yards of blue linnen for facinge the doublets |
ixs |
iiijd |
ffor tape and thread |
vs |
ffor .42. yards of brode cloth at vis the yard for .20. cassackℯ
& breeches |
xijli |
xijs |
ffor .57 yards of dyed holmes fustian at .18d. the yard for
20 doublets |
4li |
5s |
6d |
ffor makinge the said .20. doublets cassackℯ & breeches at
3s 4d |
iijli |
vjs |
viijd |
ffor .10. doublets & breeches of russet lether wth lether lyn-
ings .8l 15s & .9. gros of lether buttons .10s In the wholl
wth the makinge |
ixli |
vs |
ffor glas beades of ∥2∥ seu9all sorts |
xxs |
ffor drugs & phisickℯ bought of Mr Barton Apothecary by
doctor Gulsons direcc̃on for the flipp & scurvy &c |
iiijll͠ |
iijs |
iiijd |
A wainscot boxe and hay to pack the same in &c |
ijs |
ixd |
A drifatt to send downe the .30. sutes of apparell and carriage
of the same from the Taylors to the wayne at Holborne
bridge & porters |
vijs |
vijd |
Sm̃ xll iiijd |
Bought at Stoke |
ffor .20. bushells of wheat at .3s 6d |
iijll͠ |
xs |
ffor .336l of butter at vd |
vijll͠ |
ffor .336l of cheese at 25s the .112l |
iiill͠ |
xvs |
ffor .2. Corslets & .2. Callivers furnished |
vll͠ |
ffor a musket |
xxxs |
Sm̃ xxll͠ xvs |
Bought at Nibley and in the Country. |
ffor .22. bushells of white pease bought by Mr Smyth of Mris.
Leigh of Combe at 2s the bushell .44s & cariage to Nibley
.2s 6d |
xlvjs |
vjd |
ffor .9. bushells more of white pease bought of Sam Trotman
at 22d the bushell (wch were the best of all.) |
xvjs |
vjd |
ffor 9 busheels of .8. square wheat in ears in .2. great pipes
at .4s |
xxxvis |
ffor 12 busheels & halfe of malt (dryed on purpose) put into
another great canary pipe at .2s |
xxvs |
ffor the said .3. pipes, & for one other pipe .2. hoggesheads &
.2. lesser caskℯ to put the said pease in, & caryage in .2.
waynes from Nibly to Berkly, wth .12d spent by the
plowman there, & to the coup to head & dresse them |
lijs |
Sm̃ viijll͠ xvjs |
Bought at Bristoll faire and after there. |
ffor .522. dozen of buttons, p̱te thread, p̱te haire And .6.
dozen of greene silke |
xxjs |
ixd |
ffor .12. dozen yards of garteringe, of 2. sortℯ & .4. colors &c |
xvs |
ffor .6. grosse of poynts beinge .72. dozen whereof th' one
half of lether, th' other of thread |
viijs |
ffor .5. paire of double boxcombes, & .6. bone combs |
ijs |
ffor .10. dozen of knives whereof .9. dozen of one sort and
one dozen of another sort |
xvjs |
ffor one dozen of sisers |
iijs |
ffor one dozen of weomens sheares |
iiijs |
ffor .4. payrℯ of Taylors sheares of .2. sortℯ |
iijs |
ffor one dozen of paringe knives |
xijd |
ffor .6. other knives |
xviijd |
ffor .600. & an halfe of cheese bought by Wm Hopton at .14s
& 16s the hundred beinge 101 cheeses |
4ll͠ |
xvijs |
ffor .4. quirℯ & an halfe of pap̱ for all the servantℯ Inden-
tures and other draughts, &c |
xviijd |
ffor .54. ells of dowlas at .15d ob̴. for shirtℯ |
iijll͠ |
ixs |
ixd |
ffor .58. els .3. qters of canvas for sheets at .14d |
iijll͠ |
viijs |
vjd |
ffor .24. els of canvas at .15d And .66. els of canvas at .13d ob̴ |
vll͠ |
iiijs |
vjd |
ffor .52. els of canvas at .15. for shirts |
iijll͠ |
vs |
ffor .84. ells of canvas at .13d ob̴. for sheetℯ |
iiijll͠ |
xvs |
ffor .81. ells qter of canvas at .14d |
iiijll͠ |
xvjs |
ijd |
ffor .82. ells and an halfe at .14d of canvas |
iiijll͠ |
xvjs |
iiijd |
ffor .56. ells & an halfe of canvas at .14d |
iijll͠ |
vs |
xid |
ffor .32. ells of dowlas at .14d |
xxxvijs |
iiijd |
ffor .3. dozen of fallinge bands at 7s 6d the dozen |
xxijs |
vjd |
ffor .5. dozen of fallinge bands at 6s 6d the dozen |
xxxijs |
vjd |
ffor .2. dozen of falling bands at vs vid the dozen |
xjs |
ffor .10. dozen of handkercheifs |
lijs |
ffor .49. payre of Irish stockins |
ljs |
ijd |
ffor .22. payre of Irish stockins |
xxvs |
vjd |
ffor .34. payre of Irish stockins |
xxxvijs |
vd |
ffor one barrell of Tarre |
xxiiijs |
ffor one barrell of pitch |
xxxvjs |
ffor .6. hoggesheads of baysalt for Virginia |
xxxis |
ffor .30. stone of stockℯ at 2s 6 |
iijll͠ |
xvs |
ffor .10. reaphookℯ |
iiijs |
ffor .2. fryinge pans |
iiijs |
xd |
ffor .2. boltℯ of browne thread |
viijs |
iiijd |
ffor one bolt of black thread |
iiijs |
iiijd |
ffor .8l of browne thread |
xvijs |
ffor .20. pickaxes |
xxxvijs |
ffor .40. weedinge howes |
liijs |
iiijd |
ffor .30. spades |
xxvs |
ffor .2. sithes |
vs |
ffor .10. fellinge axes |
xvs |
ffor .6. squaringe axes |
xiijs |
ffor .20. bed mats |
xxs |
ffor .10. bushells d̴i. peck of oatmeale at .4s |
xliiijs |
vjd |
ffor .5. bushells of oatmeal grotℯ at 6s |
xxxs |
ffor .2. grindstones |
vijs |
ffor .2. french mill stones |
xxs |
ffor .102li of sope |
xxiiijs |
ffor .10. traces of onyons |
iijs |
iiijd |
ffor .10. gallons .3. quartℯ of oyle & the runlet to put it in |
xliijs |
iijd |
ffor .6. basketℯ vsed about the ship |
xviijd |
ffor .6. bells |
ixs |
ffor .6. bandeleres |
xijs |
ffor .1 qter of .100. of match |
xjs |
viijd |
ffor .6. swordes |
xxiiijs |
vid |
ffor makinge .51. shirtℯ at .3d & 2 towells |
xijs |
xd |
ffor makinge .25. payre of sheetℯ |
viijs |
iiijd |
ffor .100. d̴i & 13l of lead beinge .6. bars |
xvs |
vjd |
ffor .200. of lead shot at id 1 ob̴. the |
xxviijs |
ffor .160.l d̴i of powder at 15d |
xll͠ |
ffor a litle caske to put .12l of powder in |
vid |
ffor .200. payre of shoes of .4. sizes |
xxijll͠ |
xiijs |
ffor garden seeds vzt. parsnip, carret, cabbage, turnep, let-
tuice, onyon mustard and garlick &c |
xixs |
viijd |
ffor .2. tun of sider bought at Bristoll |
iiijll͠ |
xiijs |
iiijd |
ffor one hoggeshead of newe sider sent Mr Thorpe |
o |
o |
o |
ffor hallinge to the storehouse and lynes to maile in it |
ijs |
xd |
The charges of Rob̴t Lawford at Bristoll imployed duy9s
dayes buyinge of provisions &c |
vjs |
ffor .60. gallons & one pottle of aqua vite at iijs |
ixll͠ |
xviijd |
ffor .22500. nayles of seu9all sorts |
iijll͠ |
xs |
ffor .2000. of hobnayles |
iiijs |
ffor .4000. of sparrowbills |
xxijd |
ffor bags to put nayles in and to the porter |
ixd |
Given to the poore and spent at hiringe the first ship by
ffelgate |
xviijd |
Given to break of from that ships after .14. days |
iiijll͠ |
viijs |
ffor one dryfatt and .3. tun of caske vntrimd |
xxs |
ffor .15. dozen of candles at .4s 4d the dozen &c |
iijll͠ |
vs |
ffor .2. barrells of Irish beoffe bought by Toby ffelgate |
xlixs |
ffor one other barrell bought by Tho. Kenis |
xxvs |
ffor .2142[219]
of beoffe & porke, salt for it & charges in saltinge
and barellinge beinge in .13. barrells |
xlijll͠ |
xviijs |
jd |
ffor .200. d̴i of codfish at 46s the .100. called Cornish fish &c |
vll͠ |
xvs |
ffor cariage of .1300. waight from * * * London p̱te by
horse & p̱te by wayne to Bristoll & waighinge |
lviijs |
ffor a chest to put small parcells in |
iiijs |
xd |
ffor .100. 3. qters .7l of iron hoopes to hoope .6. tun of beere
at .3d the pound |
ls |
ixd |
ffor dyet & lodginge in Bristoll vpon one accompt at the
horshooe and horsmeat & hire of Toby ffelgates horse
twice to nibly |
lvijs |
vjd |
ffor markams workℯ of husbandry & huswifry bound togeather
and for the like of Gowges &c |
vjs |
The copies of the Counsells order for fishinge & about Tobacco
and of Sr Edwin Sandis p̳iect, and of the Artificiall wine,
to be sent over to Mr Thorpe, payd the Secretary &c |
vs |
ffor .18. Tun of beere at .36s p̱. tun And for .3. barrells spent
in the ship |
xxxiij |
ijs |
ffor .8800. of bisket at .12s the .100li and .21li an over and a
quarter. of 100. more |
lijll͠ |
xvijs |
ffor .20. Ruggs at .8s the peece |
viijll͠ |
ffor .100. of monmoth caps and bands |
8ll͠ |
15s |
8d |
ffor a boylinge kettle filled for the ship at 17d thel beinge
36l. d̴i |
lvs |
iiijd |
ffor .60. gallons of sack at .2s 6d the gallon in .4. runlets |
vijll͠ |
xs |
ffor one hoggeshead of wine vineger |
xls |
ffor Cloutleather .32d shoothreads .26. dozen .4s and iiijl halfe
quarter of hempe .4s id |
xls |
jd |
To the Coup vpon his bill for .39. tun of caske and .2. barrells
of all the fraight contayninge .142. vessells bought of him
(besides what came from mr Tracy & mr Smyth) |
xixll͠ |
xjs |
And to the coups iournyman for many labors by him done |
ijs |
vjd |
To Mr Ewens in p̱te of the wages for the hire of his ship
before hand by acquitance and by indorsement of his
ch̴re p̱ty |
xlll͠ |
To the grosser for sugar pepper ginger, cynamon nutmegs
cloves, mace, dates raisons currants damaske prunes,
rice saffron Almonds brimston, starch & one reme of
pap̱ |
vll͠ |
xiijs |
ffor a masons great hammer & truell bought by Richard
Peirs for himselfe |
ijs |
ffor .8. bushells of meale at .4s the bushell |
xxxijs |
ffor .2. great & .2. lesser lanthornes .5s .2. shod shovels, 20d
bellowes ladles, trenchers, mustard bolls, tape cannells,
bread baskets woodden spoones tundish .18. cans,
mustard pot, .12. poridge dishes .18. qter cans, .2. horne
tunnells, 2 horne cups, a pair of scales, .3. litle drynking
cups, .3. dozen wodden sawcers, .4. dozen platters, .6.
wyre candlesticks, .2. panyars, & .1. pep̱corne All wood |
48s |
ffor makinge of bolsters and other p̱cells vpon many p̱ticulars,
As Hallyers, .29s 10d wood .23s 4d Cordage to trusse and
cabynes .7s 4d padlockes .4s 6d, .3. spades & .2. howes .9d
makinge .30. sheetℯ and .21. shirtℯ, 11s 8d, 28 bolsters
makinge &c |
vll͠ |
xixs |
ixd |
Bought of Mr Tracy. |
ffor .100. payre of knit stockins |
ixll͠ |
ffor watchinge the wayne & cariage of the .13. brode clothes
that Benedict Webbe sent to Bristoll to the storehouse |
iijs |
xd |
ffor .9. swordes |
xxxs |
ffor .9. corslets |
iiijll͠ |
xs |
ffor .9. muskets wherof .6. are wth snaphanses |
ixll͠ |
ffor .6. Callivers |
xxxs |
ffor .4. coates of plate |
xls |
ffor .4. p̱tizans |
xijs |
ffor .12. ffellinge axes made in Deane, and for .2. squaringe
axes |
xxxijs |
viijd |
ffor .10. hatchets |
xijs |
ffor .24. augurs of seu9all sortℯ |
xvjs |
ffor .2. handsawes |
iijs |
vjd |
ffor .12. sithes |
xxxs |
ffor .24. reaphookℯ |
xijs |
ffor a vise for a Smyth |
iiijs |
ffor a bras serine for a glister pipe |
iiijs |
ffor .15. peeces of beoffe roofed & .4. tongues |
iiijll͠ |
ffor .43.l of cheese |
xiijs |
ffor .9. flitches of bacon |
iiijll͠ |
ffor .20. bushells of white pease at .2s 4d |
xlvjs |
viijd |
ffor a barrell of pippen vinegar |
xxs |
ffor .2. brodeaxes |
xxx vjs |
ffor .2. felling axes |
iiijs |
ffor .2. Adizes |
iijs |
ffor .2. handsawes |
iijs |
ffor .2. hatchets |
ijs |
iiijd |
ffor one .2. inche Augur |
xijd |
ffor .6. turnynge tooles |
ijs |
vjd |
ffor .2. googes |
xijd |
ffor .4. brode chesills |
ijs |
ffor .7. planynge irons |
ijs |
ffor small chesills |
xd |
ffor one Twibill |
iiijs |
ffor mendinge of servantℯ tooles |
xijd |
ffor .4. millpeckℯ |
ijs |
viijd |
ffor one Anvill |
vs |
iiijd |
ffor .2. turninge irons |
xijd |
ffor .13. brode clothes of .29. yards the peece and .7. quarters
brode bought of Benedict Webbe by Mr Tracy |
104ll͠ |
ffor buckerom & canvas to pack them in |
xls |
To Boswell the Apothecary vpon his bill for drugs and other
like stuffe of him bought by Mr Pawlet as appeareth |
xjll͠ |
xviijs |
vjd |
Payd Mr ffelgate vpon accompt for charges about the bread-
roome, & cabins, for Joyners worke, pitche, nayles,
bordes &c |
iiijll͠ |
ixs |
vjd |
Payd for wages of .5. of our seamen for .3. weekℯ d̴i. at .4s
the weeke dayly helpinge ended .17. Septembr saterday
night |
iijll͠ |
xs |
And for the dyet of Toby ffelgate at Bristole for .7. weekℯ at
vjs p̱. weeke |
xlijs |
Payd Toby ffelgate vpon his bill for the charges of himselfe
and hire of his horse to Bristoll and cariage of his sea
cards, affaires & apparell |
vll͠ |
xvjd |
Payd at the horshooe for a chamber to stowe our goods bought
at St James faire for .5. weekℯ |
xxs |
Imprest to Mr ffelgate to buy .1000. couple of newfoundland
fish |
vll͠ |
ffor .2. sives to make gunpowder in Virginia |
xiiijd |
ffor a barre of iron and hangers in the cookroome in the ship |
vjs |
viijd |
ffor the hire of the swanne cellar .vs. And for Hendens cellar
for all our goods .11s |
xvjs |
ffor charges of diet of Mr Smyth & p̱te of the company at the
white lyon, And for the bord wages of other p̱te of the
company for .14. dayes As by Accompt kept by Wilɫm
Archard appeareth |
xvll͠ |
ijs |
xjd |
ffor paper inke & p̱chment for Comissions and quadrip̱tite
Covenantℯ & Indentures &c |
iiijs |
xd |
ffor .2. boxes for cariage of Comissions, ɫres Indentures &c
into Virginia |
xvjd |
The hire of a boat that caryed Mris Tracy & the weomen &
children from Bristoll to Crockhampill |
vjs |
To the boatmen at Barkley for caryage of .2. tun d̴i of pease
wheat, wheat eares malt &c to Bristoll |
xviijs |
To mr Willet Customer outwards for the custome of .10.
brode clothes & p̱termitted dutyes, wch is to be repayd
vpon certificat from Sr Garroway & Sr John Worsuam |
vll͠ |
iiijs |
Payd mr Tracyes bill for a Tramell net |
xxxs |
Payd for the passage of .20. men & weomen from the p̱tes of
Hayles to Bristoll, and the hire of some horses dyet &
lodginge at the horshooe and at mris Lewis house and
lodginge of many servantℯ as by seuerall bills appeareth
over & besides what mr Smyth thought indifferently fit
to abate wch mr Tracy referred to him |
iiijll͠ |
xviijs |
ffor wrytinge & ingrossinge the .2. Comissions quadrip̱tite
Covenant .35. payre of Indentures and dyu9s other
p̱ticulers as by the bill appeareth |
iijll͠ |
xs |
Sent to mr Tracy vpon his ɫre after I was come to Nibly to
be supplyed, whilest he lay for wynd at Crockampill wth
all his company |
xll͠ |
Sm̃ total of this wholl charge disbursed till this
ships dep̱ture .18. Sept. 1620 |
702ll͠ |
11s |
6d |
Wherof 4a part is |
175ll͠ |
12s |
10d ob̴. |
Of wch iiijta p̱s of 175ll͠ 12s 10d ob̴. mr Berkeley and his p̱teners
have payd but |
50ll͠ |
The residue beinge .125ll͠ 12 10d ob̴. is to be cast vpon Mr
Tracy by agreement. |
Of wch .4ta p̱s of 175ll͠ 12s 10d ob̴. Mr Smyth hath payd the
wholl for mr Thorpe. |
Of wch .4ta p̱s of 175ll͠ 12s 10d ob̴. mr Tracy hath payd the wholl
by the hands of mr Smyth. |
Of wch .4ta p̱s of 175ll͠ 12s 10d ob̴. mr Smyth hath payd the
wholl by himselfe, but by agreement should have had
all the same but .50.ll͠ borne out likewise to him as mr
Berkeley hath, but hath not. |