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At a Court held for Virginia the 19th of December i621

At a Court held for Virginia the 19th of December i621


Sr Io Dauers.  Capt: Bargraue. 
Sr Walter Earle.  mr Barbor
Sr Edw: Lawly.  mr Ayres. 
mr Deputy.  mr Leuer. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Paulavicine. 
mr Wrote.  mr Copland. 
mr Io: Smith.  mr Baynham. 
mr Ro: Smith.  mr ffelgate. 
mr Wroth.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Nich: ffarrar.  mr Woodall. 
mr Balmford.  mr Newport. 
mr Shippard.  mr Robertℯ. 
Capt: Leeke.  mr Cuffe. 
with many others. 

The Committee appointed by the former Court to treat with Capt:
Leeke hauing some of them mett and taken into considerac̃on his
two requestℯ namely to be one of the Counsell in Virginia and to haue
a Collonellp: there for wch it had pleased my Lo: Chamb̴len by his
Honoble Letter to recomend him vnto this Companie did nowe make
report that they had agreeed accordinge to his Lps Desire to recom̃end
Capt Leeke to the next Quarter Court to admitt him one of the Coun-
sell, but for his other request namely to be Collonell gen9all ouer
the whole body of the Plantac̃on, they conceaued it a place of that
eminent Com̃aund as it was not in their power especially beinge so
fewe to creat or constitute so great an officer, and therefore thought
fitt to leaue to the further considerac̃on of this Court: Herevpon the
Court agreed to respite the same till further aduise were taken
therein: In the meane time Sr Io: Dauers is desired to acquaint my


Lo: Chamberlen wth those important reasons that moued them here-
vnto whereby they trust his lp: will remaine satisfied.

Whereas ∥mr∥ Abraham Chamb̴len had formerly promised to take vp
so much money here as appeared by the Account of Io: D' Clarke to
remaine in his handℯ for the Tobacco sold by him at Midleburrough,
fforsomuch as Iohn D' Clarke had aduertized by letter that he had
trusted out some p̱t of the Tobacco to be paid at certaine dayes wch
were not yet due, mr Chamb̴len therefore moued that the money
might be forborne till Iohn De Clarke had receaued it, beinge p̱swaded
that §it§ was sure enough, but in the meane time he desired he might
not be tied to his former p̳mise least for his good will and paines
freely bestowed for the Companie he should ruñ into an inconven-
ience. [302]

The Auditors appointed for the old Magazine.

mr Kightly.  mr Clethero. 
mr Cranmer.  mr Bland. 
mr Bull.  mr Caswell. 
mr Ayres.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Abdy.  mr Cuffe. 
are entreated to p̱fect those Accountℯ and it is required that mr
Essington make no more warrantℯ for paymt of moneys but that the
Auditors p̱forme the same after they haue sett those Accountℯ right
who are likewise to take notice that it is nowe agreed and ordered
that those that haue already taken out their Capitallℯ of Tobacco
shall haue no part of the Diuident in money, but such as haue taken
out but part shall haue so much allowed in money as may make them
equall with the rest that are to receaue vpon the Diuident of mony.

Mr Edwards and mr Ditchfeild beinge at a Sum̃er Ilandℯ Court
appointed to repaire to Sr Tho: Smith for such writingℯ and bookℯ as
concerned the Sum̃er Ilandℯ are desired likewise to §en§treat of him
the Lottery bookℯ to the end they may be examined by the Auditors.


The Auditors for the generall Colledge §Accountℯ§ for the Companie

Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Gibbs. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Kightly. 
mr Io: ffarrar Dept̃.  mr Cranmer. 
mr Io Wroth. 
are desired by order of this Court to meete euery ffriday in the after-
noone, at Sr Edwin Sandys howse and to beginn vpon ffriday next to
examine such supposed errors as haue bin obserued p̱tly in the Com-
panies receiptℯ and p̱tly in the paymentℯ whereof a Collecc̃on hath
bin made of some p̱ticulers and if the errors be so found by the Audi-
tors then the Casheires to be required to make good the defectℯ and
proue the rest of the paymentℯ by the seuerall Receiptℯ remayninge
in their handℯ or elℯ not to be allowed of by the Auditors.

Mr Edwardℯ mouinge for payment of some money due vnto him many
yeares agoe for Comodities sold the Compã: for wch he was neuer yet
paid it was referred to the Auditors to be further enquired of.

Capt: Bargraue being required by the Companie to giue his aunsweare
nowe in Cort for the 500li he stood indebted to the Magazine Companie
∥for wch∥ there was a sute between hime and Alderm: Iohnson and
others nowe dependinge in the Chauncery said that as soone as the
said cause were heard wch he hoped would be wth the first the next
Terme hauinge procured my Lo: Keep̱s p̱emptorie order for it that
then he would discharge the said Debt if it were due vnto the Com-
panie. [303]

ffrauncis Carter wth the approbac̃on of this Court passed ouer two
shares of land in Virginia beinge p̱cell of the 40 Shares assigned vnto
him by the right Honoble the Lady Lawarr vnto mr Ro: Hall of Grais

Also one Share of land more vnto mr Rich: Delbridge of Barnstable
in the County of Devoñ marchant.


Mr Bamfeild signified vnto the Court of a booke compiled by a paine-
full Schoolmr one mr Iohn Brinsly: Wherevpon the Court gaue order
that the Companies thankℯ should be giuen vnto him, & appointed
a select Com̃ittee to p̱vse the said Booke vizt

Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Bamfeild. 
mr Deputy.  mr Copland. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Ayres. 
mr Wrote.  mr Nicho: ffarrar. 
mr Binge. 
who are entreated to meete when mr Deputy shall appoint and after
to make report of their opinions touchinge the same at the next Court.