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[Forth in Thy strength, O Lord, we go]

Forth in Thy strength, O Lord, we go,
Forth in Thy steps and loving mind,
To pay the gospel-debt we owe,
(The word of grace for all mankind,)
To sow the' incorruptible seed,
And find the lost, and wake the dead.
The wandering sheep of England's fold
Demand our first and tenderest care,
Who under sin and Satan sold
Usurp the Christian character,
The Christian character profane,
And take Thy church's name in vain,
Or shameless advocates for hell,
Their crimes they Sodom-like confess;
Or varnish'd with a specious zeal,
An empty form of godliness,
The power they impiously blaspheme,
And call our hope a madman's dream.


Haters of God, yet still they cry,
“The temple of the Lord are we!
“The church, the church!”—who dare defy
Thy self-existent Deity,
Proudly oppose Thy righteous reign,
And crucify their God again.
'Gainst these by Thee sent forth to fight,
A suffering war we calmly wage,
With patience meet their fierce despite,
With love repay their furious rage,
Reviled, we bless; defamed, intreat;
And spurn'd, we kiss the spurner's feet.
Arm'd with Thine all-sufficient grace,
Thy meek unconquerable mind,
Our foes we cordially embrace,
(The filth and refuse of mankind,)
We gladly all resign our breath,
To save one precious soul from death.