University of Virginia Library



I could wish . . . myself accursed from Christ . . . for my brethren.”—Rom. ix. 3.

The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”— Rev. xiii. 8.

Humanity in Adam fell
Though it was ever truly Mine,
And in a measure I as well
Had fallen were I not too Divine;
Yea, I for sinners so made Sin
Who hung upon the Cross as Curse,
That thus the new life might begin,
Could almost sin to save from worse.
From earth's foundation I was slain
Lest man eternally should die,
And felt from far that future pain
A living presence round me lie;
The Cross an awful Shadow then
Was flung upon Me from the first,
Ages of ages ere came men
For unborn souls I was athirst.
But could I very God not be,
And could I ever sin at all,
Then to set hopeless captives free
For man indeed his God might fall;
Yet how should evil wash out ill
And whence should splendid wrong make right,
A Sinner be a Saviour still
Or darkness lead one soul to Light?