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Stones from The Quarry

or, Moods of Mind. By Henry Browne [i.e. Henry Ellison]

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Free Love! Vile creed of fools and reprobates!
Swine, who with snout of bestial appetite
Grub i' the lusts of the flesh for love's delight,
And sniff it in life's kennel! “Love” not mates
With “free” in sense of license. Loves grow hates;
License foul thraldom; ay, of such the light
Is darkness; their sweet, bitter; to their sight
Mole's eagle's; cursed their lives, and brief their dates.
O holy name of Love—of mother, child,
And father! O all ye bless'd charities
And bonds of life, rent, poisoned, and defiled!
Confusion's master-work; lusts, hatreds, lies,
Sodom, Gomorrah! Man, a beast run wild;
Sewer, choked with its own filth, where all life dies