University of Virginia Library


“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”

And now, with strength combined of murderous hands,
The Cross uplifted Thy pale Frame sustains,
Rooted and fixed with violence, which strains
Thy wounds afresh; and as it upward stands,
Thine own deep wounds themselves are made the bands
That hold Thee on death's bed; with bursting veins
Thy Body hangs upon its own dread pains.
Each way extending, broad as Thy commands,
Deep as Thy judgments, as Thy mercies high,
It stretches forth, and shows with mystic sign
The breadth, and depth, and height of Love Divine,
Which forms ineffably that throne of Thine;
Broad as all space in boundless majesty,
Deeper than hell, and higher than the sky.