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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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The XIVth Olympick of Pindar. TO Asopicus of Orchomenus .


Ye heav'nly Graces, who preside
O'er Minyæa's happy Soil, that breeds,
Swift for the Race, the fairest Steeds;
And rule the Land, where with a gentle Tide
Your lov'd Cephisian Waters glide!
Since Orchomenus does to you belong,
Hear, Goddesses, and smiling aid the Song.


Whatever Honours shine below,
Whatever Gifts can move Delight,
Or sooth the ravish'd Soul, or charm the Sight,
To You their Pow'r of pleasing owe.
Fame, Beauty, Wisdom you bestow;
Nor will the Gods the sacred Banquet own,
Nor on the Chorus look propitious down,
If you, your Presence have deny'd,
To rule the Banquet, and the Chorus guide.



In Heav'n itself all own your happy Care;
Bless'd by your Influence divine,
There all is Good, and all is Fair:
On Thrones sublime you there illustrious shine;
Plac'd near Apollo with the golden Lyre,
You all his Harmony inspire,
And warbled Hymns to Jove perpetual sing,
To Jove, of Heav'n the Father and the King.


Now hear Aglaia, venerable Maid!
Hear thou, that tuneful Verse dost love,
Euphrosyne! Join your Cœlestial Aid,
Ye Daughters of immortal Jove!
Thalia too be present with my Lays;
Asopicus has rais'd his City's Name,
And, Victor in th'Olympick Strife, may claim
From you his just Reward of virtuous Praise.


And thou, O Fame! this happy Triumph spread;
Fly to the Regions of the Dead,
Through Proserpine's dark Empire bear the Sound;
There seek Cleodamus below,
And let the pleas'd Paternal Spirit know,


How on the Plains of Pisa far renown'd,
His Son, his youthful Son, of matchless Speed,
Bore off from All the Victor's Meed,
And with an Olive Wreath his envy'd Temples crown'd.

In the City of Orchomenus there was a Temple dedicated to the Graces.