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FABLE XI. The Lapwing:

Or, Honour Misplaced.

The Eagle did his Feather'd-Subjects Treat,
And gave each Quality its proper Seat:
But all the Guests express'd a high Disgust,
To see the Lapwing next their Sov'raign thrust;
Who only was for his Crown'd Head preferr'd,
Tho' Mire and Filth the Sloven's Feet besmear'd.


‘The Undiscerning most Regard express
‘For a Gay Out-side, and a Gaudy Dress:
‘But Wiser Men, who dive into the Mind,
‘And its Deformities, or Beauties, find;


‘For them, the Owners honour, or despise,
‘And most the Garment, for the Lining, prise.