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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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Basilius Rex.

VVhereas the famous and victorious name
Of great Amphialus, makes the trumpe of Fame
Breathe nothing but his conquests and renowne;
VVhose lawlesse actions fortune striues to crowne
(In spight of Iustice) with a Victors merit,
Respecting more the greatnesse of his spirit,
Then iustnesse of his cause, to the dishonour
Of vertue, and all such as watte vpon her.
And furthermore; whereas his power is knowne
T'oppugne the welfare of our State and Crowne,
VVith strong rebellion, to the high aduancement
Of his disloyall glory, and inhancement
Of his perfidious name, the great increase
Of factions, and disturbance of our peace.
Likewise, whereas his high preuailing hand
(Against the force whereof no flesh can stand)
Could ne're be equall'd yet, much lesse o'recome,
But with loud triumph, still does carry home
The spoyles of our lost honour, to the fame
Of his rebellious glory, and our shame.
We therefore in our Princely care, perpending
The serious premises, and much depending,
On your knowne courage, haue selected you
To stand our Champion royall, and renew
Our wasted honour, with your sword and launce,
In equall Duell; Thus you shall aduance


The glorious pitch of your renowned name,
With the braue purchase of eternall fame:
In this you shall reuiue our dying glorie,
And liue the subiect of this ages story,
(VVhich shall be read till time shall haue an end)
And tye Basilius your perpetuall friend.
To our right trusty and noble kinsman Argalus.