University of Virginia Library

Ricardus rex

Ac he deide in þe worre sone in anguisse & in pine
As endleue hundred ȝer of grace & eiȝteti & nine
Þe sixte day of Iul he deide & mid gret onour & prute
At founte ebraud he was ibured as he liþ ȝute
Ac gefray erl of brutaine is sone þre ȝer biuore
Deide þat bituene richard & king Ion was ibore
& bileuede bihinde him is sone þat het arþure
& is doȝter elianore as ȝe ssolle her after ihure
[R]ichard king henries sone to engelonde com
And after is fader deþe aueng þe kinedom
Þe verþe day of septembre he let him crouny iwis
At westmunstre hasteliche as þe riȝte crouninge is
Of þe erchebissop of kanterbury baldewine þat was þo
In a sonenday as it vel gywes to muche wo


Vor among alle þe noble þat to suiche feste drowe
Of erles & of barons & of oþere heyemen inowe
& of noble presauns þat þer come al so
Þe wrecche luþer giwes wende wel to do
& a riche presant ȝarkede wiþ gret prute
& sende þis noble kinge ac hor þonc was lute
Vor þe king was somdel awlated & to gret despit it nom
Þat fram so vnclene þinges eni mete him com
& het it do out of is court & þe wrecches ssame do
Þer was mani a wilde hine þat prest was þer to
& wende in to þe gywerie & woundede & to drowe
& robbede & barnde hous & manie of hom slowe
Ac sone in þulke sulue ȝer in to þis kinedom
Hunger & deiinge of men & muche wrechede com
Richard þo he was king he ȝef is broþer Ion
Þe erldom of gloucestre & let him spousy anon
Isabel þat was eir & grete londes þer to
Ȝef him here in engelond & biȝonde se al so
Þer was þo in þe holi lond a strong bataile ido
Bi tuene þe luþer saladim & cristine men al so
A sein leonardes eue in þe ȝer of grace ywis
Endleue hundred & ninty ydo was al þis


Þe maister of þe temple was aslawe & sir willam de breus al so
& sire ingerard de fenes & oþer cristine þer to
Saladines eldoste sone þat het mirasalin
Islawe was & is neueu þat het goekedin
& migenal is mareschal & no noumbre nas
Of cristin folc & heþene þat þere aslawe was
Me prechede of þe croyserye wide ich vnderstonde
& þe bissop willam of ely here in engelonde
King richard him ȝarkede to þe holi lond to wende
& bitok þe bissop of eli þis lond in ech ende
To wardi uor he trewe was & þe erchebissop al so
Baldewine of canterburi & mani wende þer to
As roberd erl of leicetre þe erl willam de ferers
Sir richard de glanuille & mani oþere heye & fers
Þe aumperour frederic & þe king philip of france
Alle hii wende to ierusalem to do gode chaunce
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & ninti & on
Hii wende to þe holi lond þis noblemen echon
Som of king richardes folc to þe lond of cypre com
& þe prince of þe lond anon hom vaste nom
& in strong prison hom caste & king richard as man wod
Þo he it wuste wende þuder mid wel stourdi mod


To þe hauene al bi watere he com mid poer god
Þe prince mid al is poer vaste aȝen him stod
& nolde noȝt deliuery þe men þat were inome
Þe bataile was sone ido & þe prince ouercome
Þe nobleman king richard sturede him þer so vaste
& þe mare of hor rugge wiþ kene suerd agaste
So þat al out þe lond he wan atte laste
Some he slou & some of hom in strong prison he caste
So he dude þulke time as ich vnderstonde
Þat cipre is euereft iholde of þe king of engelonde
Gode wardeins he sette vor to wite þut lond
& adde at is owe wille al cipre in is hond
& þe prince he nom wiþ him ibounde vet & honde
Wiþ veteres of seluer toward þe holi londe