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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 15. De lue Mahometica.
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Epigr. 15. De lue Mahometica.

When Pan forsooke the mountaines & the rocks,
where he did leade his heards, & his great flocks
And that sweete pipe to which the hils did dance,
Was split a sunder, a most wofull chance.
And the worldes heart was smitten in her brest,
And the bright Sunne, declined in the East.
And the blinde Locustes, crau'de no other light,
Then for their Sunne the black pits smoaking night.
Sodome forsooke her sea, where she lay dead.
And with Gomorrhe all Asia ouerspread.