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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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[Soe well I love thee, as without thee I]


[From Ashmolean MS. 38, f. 77.]

These verses weare made By Michaell Drayton Esquier Poett Lawreatt the night before hee dyed.


Soe well I love thee, as without thee I
Love Nothing, yf I might Chuse, I'de rather dye
Then bee on day debarde thy companye


Since Beasts, and plantes doe growe, and live and move
Beastes are those men, that such a life approve
Hee onlye Lives, that Deadly is in Love


The Corne that in the grownd is sowen first dies
And of on seed doe manye Eares arise
Love this worldes Corne, by dying Multiplies


The seeds of Love first by thy eyes weare throwne
Into a grownd untild, a harte unknowne
To beare such fruitt, tyll by thy handes t'was sowen


Looke as your Looking glass by Chance may fall
Devyde and breake in manye peyces smale
And yett shewes forth, the selfe same face in all


Proportions, Features Graces just the same
And in the smalest peyce as well the name
Of Fayrest one deserves, as in the richest frame


Soe all my Thoughts are peyces but of you
Whiche put together makes a Glass soe true
As I therin noe others face but yours can Veiwe