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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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O blest is hee who wiselie doth
Considder of the poore;
Deliuered by the Lord, hee shall
In trouble be secure.


The Lord will his preserver bee,
And of his life tak cair;
Blest shall hee be, vpon the earth
Weell with him shall it fair;
Him to his foes thow wilt not leave.


With sorrow when o'rsett,
Cast on his couch, hee from the Lord
Refreshing strength shall gett;


When sick thow all his bed shalt make.


Thy mercie, Lord, I craue.
O heal my soule, I said, for I
Against thee sinned have.


Of me my foes do evill speeke:
When shall hee dye, (say they,)
When perrisch shall his memorie,
And name be worne away?


A visite if hee come to make,
His words are false and vain.
Iniquitie his hart stors wp,
And, (gone,) hee speaketh plaine.


Togither 'gainst me whisper all
Who me at hatred beare;
Against me evill they devise,
And, (where they can gett eare,)


Some plague, say they, to him cleavs fast,
In that hee bedfast lyes;
Hee nevir shall, recovered hence,
Any more arise.


Even hee, whose freendschip I held firme,
And, (trusted wt my minde,)
Fed with my bredd, hath 'gainst me lift
The heell, and prov'd vnkind.


But show thow mercie, Lord; me raise,
That I may them repay.


For that my foes proud triumphes cease,
That know thy love I may.


Thow me in my integritie
Maintainst, yea, (of thy grace,)
Giust me for evir to enjoy
The comfort of thy face.



From evirlasting let the Lord's
High prayses be exprest,
Till evirlasting, evin the God
Of Israell be blest.
Amen, Amen.