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The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

Edited by James Cranstoun

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Blest is the man,
Ȝea, happie than,
By grace that can
Eschew ill counsell and the godles gates;
And walkes not in
The way of sin,
Nor doth begin
To sit with mockers in the scornful sates;
Bot in Iehovaes law
Delites aright,
And studies it to knaw
Both day and night.
That man shall bee
Like to the tree
Fast planted by the running river growes;
That frute doth beare,
In tyme of ȝeare;
Whose leafe shall neuer fade, nor rute vnlouse.


His actions all
Ay prosper shall:
Which shall not fall
The godles men; bot as the calfe or sand,
That, day by day,
Winde driuth away:
Therefore, I say,
The wicked in the judgement shall not stand;
Nor sinners rise na mair,
Whom God disdaines,
In the assemblie where
The just remaines.
For why? the Lord,
Who bearth record,
Doth know the righteous conuersations ay;
And godles gates,
Which he so hates,
Shall quite die, perish, and doubtlesse decay.