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At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 4th December i621

At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday
the 4th December

mr Deputy.  mr Wiseman.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Bland.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Wrote.  mr Mellinge.  mr Webbe. 
mr Shippard.  mr Meuerell.  mr Sparrowe. 
mr Nicho: ffarrar.  mr Iadwin.  mr Newport. 
mr Edwards.  mr Morewood.  mr Whitely. 
mr Ayres.  mr Widdowes.  mr Barbor
mr Rogers.  mr Baynham.  mr Swinhowe. 
mr Abraham Chamb̴len.  mr Viner.  Capt: Bargraue. 
mr Woodall. 

Whereas by the last Quarter Court appointed a great Com̃ittee to take
into considerac̃on the Propositions of the Lords of the Counsell for
bringing in all their Tobacco into England concerninge wch the said
Com̃ittee were entreated to giue their best aduise and to prepare some


reasons touching the same (against occasion should be offered) mr
Deputy did nowe signifie vnto the Court that some of the said Com̃-
ittee did meete accordinge to the appointement but in reguard there
were but fewe then present they thought fitt to adiourne their proceed-
ingℯ vntill some other time.

Captaine Leeke presentinge a Letter to this Court from the right
Honoble the Lord Chamberlen directed vnto the Counsell and Com-
panie of Virginia wch beinge opened and read, it appeared that his lp
moued for twoe thingℯ in the behalfe of Capt: Leeke the one was that
he might be made one of the Counsell of State in Virginia (where he
intendℯ to plant himselfe) the other that he might haue the place of
Collonellppe: conferred vpon him in respect of his sufficiency and
experience to p̱forme that office wch place Capt: Leeke himselfe also
said [300] that he affected onely for the honors sake wthout desir-
inge to put the Companie to any Penny charge for the same where-
vpon the Court beinge willinge to satisfie his lpe so farr as conveniently
they might in respect of his lps good affection vnto the Plantac̃on and
honoble endeauors to aduance the same hath therefore made choise of a
select Com̃ittee to take it into their considerac̃on vizt

Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Wheatly. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Ayres. 
mr Wrote.  mr Rogers. 
mr Nicho: ffarrar.  mr Roger Smith. 
mr Abraham Chamb̴len.  mr Baynham. 
mr Mellinge. 
or any 5 of them who for the better expidic̃on of the buissines in
reguard of mr Leeks sodaine goeinge into the Country are desired to
meete this next ffriday beinge the 6° of this present Moneth about
two in the Afternoone at mr ffarrars and are entreated to make report
of their opinions touchinge the premisses.

ffor somuch as it was formerly ordered at a Court held the 14th of
Nouember last by the consent of the Aduenturers of the old Magazine
that mr Abraham Chamberlen should take vp as much money as here


as appeared by the Account of Iohn D' Clarke to be due to the old
Magazine and remayninge in his handℯ and paye the same ouer to
mr Rich: Bull that a Diuident might be made to the Aduenturers
before Christmas; It was nowe complaned that the said order was
not p̱formed But mr Abrah: Chamb̴len said that he had not as yet
Iohn D' Clarkes Account whereby he might knowe what was due
vpon the foote thereof but beinge brought vnto him he hath promised
that vpon the cominge of the Post from Midleburrough who was nowe
expected wthin two dayes if it shall appeare by Iohn D' Clarkℯ letter
he hath not already transmitted the money to be paid here, it shall
then remaine still in Iohn D' Clarks handℯ and he will forthwith take
vp somuch here and paye the same ouer vnto mr Bull accordinge to
the former order.

A moc̃on was made that forsomuch as certen errors were supposed to
be p̱tly in the Virginia Companies Receiptℯ and p̱tly in the paymts
whereof a Collecc̃on had bin made of some p̱ticulers amountinge to a
good Som̃e nowe presented in Court and read that therefore the same
might be referred vnto the Auditors to be further examined whereby
the said Accountℯ might be righted wch moc̃on the Court assented vnto
and ordered the same to be donn by the Auditors who are afterward
to giue Account of their proceedingℯ touchinge the same.

Vpon intelligence giuen of one Thomas Butler sett short one share in
the printed booke and of mr Wheatly sett short two shares the Sec-
retary was willed to take notice thereof and to enter them into the
Booke for that purpose ordered to be kept. [301]

Captaine Bargraue moued that for somuch as Captain Martin intends
to sett forward for Virginia nowe about Christmas that some present
course might be taken for endinge the differences between them the
former Com̃ittees hauinge as yet made no end thereof.