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[O Israel, hear the warning word]

O Israel, hear the warning word,
Accept the power to weep and mourn;
Return to thy inviting Lord,
If yet thou wilt, He saith, return.
By timely grief the woe prevent,
Nor weary out My patient love,
If now thou wilt at last repent,
Thou never, never shalt remove.
Stablish'd in truth and righteousness
The Lord thou for thine own shalt claim:
The nations too themselves shall bless
In Him, and boast of Jesu's name.
For thus the Lord vouchsafes to speak,
Sinners, My latest call obey,
Break up your fallow ground, and seek
My face, and cast your sins away.
Choke not the seed of heavenly love,
From worldly cares and pleasures free,
The foreskin of your hearts remove,
And give up all your souls to Me.
Repent before My vengeful ire
For all your evil deeds ye feel,
Before My wrath break out as fire,
And burn with flames unquenchable.