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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Unto the pure all things are pure.” —Titus, i. 15.

Oh, for that purity of heart!
The gospel only can impart
To those who gratefully receive
Its teachings, and its word believe.
This is the purity, whose power,
In dark temptation's trying hour,
Can still unchangeably endure,
And pure itself, make all things pure.
Stainless appears the mountain's snow,
Transparent seems the brook below;
Taintless the opening flower,—the dew
Which gems it—as unsullied too.


But rains soon dim the mountain hoar,
The troubled stream runs clear no more,
The flow'ret in the dust is soil'd,
The dew-drop by the sun despoil'd.
Does purity adorn with grace
The happy infant's smiling face?
It does,—and cold their hearts must prove,
Who look not on such face with love.
Yet mountain snows, and chrystal streams,
And flowers which ope to morn's bright beams,
And dew-drops—which those sun-beams dry,
Are types of nature's purity.
While that which God alone can give,
Life's shifting changes shall outlive,
And give “the pure in heart,” through grace,
To see their Maker face to face.