University of Virginia Library



By Jericho's doom'd towers who stands on high,
With helmet, spear, and glittering panoply?
“The Christian soldier, like a gleaming star,
“Train'd in the wilderness to iron war.”
Take off thy shoes, thy promis'd land is found,
The place thou standest on is holy ground.
“Take thou the shield and buckler, stop the way
“Against mine enemies! be Thou my stay!”
I am thy rock, thy castle; I am He
Whose feet have dried up the Egyptian sea:
Fear not, for I am with thee; put on might;
'Gainst thrones and powers of darkness is the fight.
“I go, if Thou go with me; ope the skies,
“And lend me Heav'n-attemper'd armories.”
Gird Truth about thee for thy mailed dress,
And for thy breastplate put on Righteousness;
For sandals, beauteous Peace; and for Thy sword
The two-edg'd might of God's unfailing word;
Make golden Hope thy helmet: on, and strive:—
He that o'ercometh in those courts shall live,
Whose crystal floor by heavenly shapes is trod,
“A pillar in the temple of my God.”