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Sein Michel þe archangle and is felawes also
Beoþ bitwene God and us to teche wat we ssolle do
A day hi habbeþ in þe ȝere þoru al Cristendom
Þoru uair miracle of sein Michel þe day uerst me nom
In þe on ende of Apuile a gret hul þere is and hei
Þe hul Gargan is icluped for a man was þer ney
Þat Gargan icluped was þe hul hatte þere uore so
Þis Gargan was a richeman and in gret poer ido
Hit biuel þreo hondred ȝer and euene twenti ȝer
After þat oure Louerd for us inis moder was aliȝt her
Þat Garganes ruþeren and oþer bestes inowe
Amorwe upe þis heie hul to hore lese drowe
Þis ruþeren wende an eue hom as hore wone was echone
Bote a bole þat he louede þat was bihinde alone
Op þe hexte toret of þe hul þe bole wel euene drou
Þo is louerd him miste an eue anuid he was inou
Wiþ him he nom men inowe and soȝte him into al þe lond
Vpe þe grete tour of þe hul attelaste he him fond
He nom an arwe enuenimed in gret wraþþe inou
And sset to þis seli best and wiþ gret strengþe drou


Ac is arwe turnde euene aȝen to him þat him sset
And smot him as it were in wreche deop wonde and gret
Nou was þat a wonder arwe and wonder wei he soȝte
I ne kepte noȝt leorni so to ssete ne such arwe þat me broȝte
A wonder ssere wind he was on wonder wat he þoȝte
Ac euere he þat him sset me þincþ þe game aboȝte
Þe folk þat þer stod aboute in gret drede was
To þe bissop hi wende anon & tolde him al þat case
Þe bissop was in grete fere & in gret þoȝte stod
Hit was toknynge he weste wel of uuel oþer of god
Al þe contreie he het anon in orisons to be[o]
And þreo dawes in fastynge þis toknynge to ise[o]
Sein Michel after þe þridde day to þis bissop com
Hou þingþ þe he sede of þis dede was þis a wonder dom
Nis þerof wonder non for mi wille it was iwis
For ichelle wel wite þulke stude þat in myn warde is
And in þis manere ich ssewe it ȝou þat ȝe þat soþe ise
And honuri þulke stude for is wardein ichelle be
Þe bissop wiþ procession swuþe fair & hende
To honuri þis holi stude mildeliche gan wende
A noble churche hi fonde þer wiþ walles swuþe proute
Hy ne dorste noȝt þernei come ac hore preiere dude wiþoute
Þere after al þat lond [] þat Cristene were
Alday come to þulke hul hore preiere to do þere
Suþþe it biuel afterward þat Ȝarazin[s] come
And worrede þulke Cristene men & bataille þerof nome
Þe bissop het þo al þat folk þulke dawes þre[o]
To sein Michel bidde uaste & in fastinge be[o]
Þe þridde niȝt sein Michel to þe bissop com efsone
Let ȝarke he sede al þi folk þe bataille to done
Þat ȝe to day þereinne beo riȝt atte ueorþe tide
And ichelle þer wiþ ȝou beo somwar in somme side


Þe bissop was þo glad inou is folk was sone ȝare
Þe tyme þat he hadde iset to þis bataille uare
Togadere hi smite upe þe hul ac it was ido anon
For þere com a derk cloude and ouercaste hom echon
And liȝtinge smot here & þer þis luþer men to gronde
And six hondred slou of hom in a lite stonde
Þe oþere flowe faste inou & ofscapede vnneþe
Þer nas non þat nas longe sik oþer deide in stronge deþe
Þus sein Michel stod him þo among hom fer and ner
Þo was it soþ þat sein Dauit seiþ inis sauter
Þat oure Louerd makeþ is angles as godes fleinge
And hom þat beoþ is ministres as fur bernynge
Godes ministres angles beoþ sein Michel and oþer mo
Þat as gostes fleoeþ vniseie in forme of fur þo
A wonder game hi pleide þer þat miȝte segge hor fo
Hom hadde betere be[o] atom and ipiked hore two
Þis Cristene men amorwe ȝarkede hom swuþe wel
And wende hom to þis holi hul to þonke sein Michel
Þo fonde hi þere a churche swuþe queinte arered
Þe bissop was þo glad inou and somdel aferd
He nuste hou þis churche com ne wo is rerde þere
Ne wer sein Michel wolde þat he ihalwed were
For him þoȝte it was riȝt to halwi chirchen nywe
Sein Michel ȝeorne he bad þat was is frend triwe
Þat he sende som toknynge wat he ssolde þer of do
Þreo dawes he let þat folk uaste & hore beden bidde also
Ȝute com sein Michel efsone to þis bissop þere
Ne þench noȝt he sede on mi churche þat ich mi sulf let rere
For ich þat it habbe imad ich it halwede also
And þerof þou sselt signe finde wanne þou comst þerto


For wend in atte estor porche and as ich habbe igon
Min uet þou sselt finde isene in þe marbre ston
Sing þere þin heie masse and ȝif þat folk also
Oure Louerdes fleiss and is blod wanne þe masse is ido
Þis bissop sone amorwe to þis chapele drou
And þis folk al wiþ him wiþ offringe fair inou
Atte est porche hy wende in and in þe marbre ston
Þe fet hi fonde al isene as sein Michel hadde igon
Innore more he wende ȝute weuedes hi fonde þre[o]
Iheled wiþ red cloþ of pal þe uairoste þat miȝte be[o]
Of oure Leuedi was þat on þat men ssolde bidde
Þat oþer of sein Ion þe baptist of seinte Peter þe þridde
Þis bissop song is masse þer and suþþe atte nende
Þat folk he let houseli ar he wolde þanne wende
Þat folk to þulke holy stude alday faste drou
And oure Louerd dude þer ofte aday fair miracle inou
So þat þe pope þat was þo þoru þe cardinals is rede
For honur of þe holy stude & sein Micheles holi dede
And for þe mani vair miracle þat þoru sein Michel com
Het halwi Myhelmasse day þoru al Cristendom