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A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford
Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
A Metrical History of Christianity
The Eruption of the Vasuvian flames in Campania about the yeare of Christ 81.
The second Century of years from Christs birth.
Asian Saints of the Century.
The Affrican Saints of this time
Some European Saints of these dayes.
The Exercise of Gods Patience.
Hereticks or Heresies.
Persecution under Adrian
The Persecution under Mark Antonine
The Sparkling Shine of Gods Justice
The Shine of Mercy
The Exercise of Divine Patience.
Patience respecting Errours.
Gods Patience under Tyrannicall Persecutions.
The Fift Persecution.
The Sixth Persecution.
The Seventh Persecution.
The Eight Persecution
The Ninth Persecution
Gods Justice gives its Shine.
The third Century
The Shine of Grace.
The Shine of Divine Patience.
Patience Exercised under Carnall Christians Carriages.
Patience Exercised With Heresies
Patience Exercised by Tyrants
The tenth Persecution
African Martyres
The Martyres of Europe
English Martyres
Some few Omission added
Patience Exercised under Arianism
Arian Persecution
The Arian Persecution by the Emperour Valens.
Persian Persecution.
The Shine of Divine Justice
The Shine of Justice and Mercy together in Certain other Miracles
The Shine of Divine Truth
The Shine of Divine Grace.
Affrican Lights
Europe's Shine
The Shine of Divine Patience intermixt here and there with some gleams of Grace.
The Shine of Divine Justice
400 In the Reign of Honorious Arcadius begining
Under Theodosius 2 in the East/Valentinianus 2 in the West begining 412/425
454 The reigns of Martianus in the East/ Maximus to Severus West
In the Reign of Leo which begun 464/ Severus and Anthemius, etc.
In the Reign of Zeno in the East 478, reignd 17. Rome hath lost all in Augustulus
The Displayes of Various Divine Properties in Miraculous Operations
The Glory of Divine Grace
ASIA's Worthies.
Europes Shine
The Shine of Divine Patience
The Shine of Justice
In Anastasius his Dayes
In Justine's Times which began 521
In Justinians Reign
Under Justine 2d whose reign began 566
Under Tyberius begining 577
Under Maurice beginning 584
The Glory of Divine Efficacy in other Miracles
The Glory of Divine Truth.
The Glory of Divine Grace
The Africk Ministers
In the Mediterranian Ilands
Northumberland Lights
Mercia's Lights
East-Angles Lights.
The West Angles or Gevissi's Lights
Other Lights in England etc.
Patience exercised by Lying Wonder.
2 Patience made shine by Errours.
3 Patience Exercised under Ambition
4 Patience Excercised under Schisms.
Patience Exercised by Persecution.
The Shine of Justice.
The Glory of Divine Efficiency
In Heraclius his reign.
The Glory of Divine Efficiency
In Heraclius his reign.
In Constance's, alias Constantines reign.
In Constantine Pogonate's Reign.
In Justinians Reign
In Leontius his Reign
The Glory of Divine Truth.
African Lights.
European Lights.
The shine of Patience
Superstitious Legends for Imagery.
For Saints appearing, and giving Commands. etc.
The Shine of Divine Justice.
Divine Efficiency.
The Shine of Divine Truth
Asia's Shine.
Africa's Lights.
Ilands of the Mediterranian Sea.
Europe's Shine.
Frances Lights.
The Glory of Divine Patience.
1. Pride.
In the Reigns of the Pope Emperored Kings of France. as in the Reign of Lewis who began 815.
Under Charles 2d who began 841.
In Lewis the 3d's Reigh begining Ano. Dni. 881.
In Charles 3d time begining 886.
In Odo's Reign begining 891
Contentions under the Reigns of the Emperour East as Nicephorus/West a Charles Mag from 803/800
Under the Eastern/Western Emperour Michael 812/Charles Mag
Under Lewis the Pious West/Leo 5 the East 815/814
Under Lewis 2d/Lewis 3d West Emperour 879/881 Basilius East Emperour. 866.
Under Charles the bald/Odo, or Eudes West Emperour 886/891 Leo the Sixt East 886
Patience Exercised under Apostasy.
The Shire of Justice.
Under the Reign of Nicephorus 8/Stauratius 1/Michael 2/Leo 1/Charles the Great. 13.
Under the Emperours of the West. Lewis the Pious 26–813–839, East as Leo Amenius. 7. [date blotted] Michael 9—839, Theophilus. 10—840
In Asia.
In Africk.
Under the Emperours of the West, as Lothair. 15.—855 East, as Theophilus. 5—845, M---
In Europe.
Under the Emperours West, as Lewis Lothairs Son. 21. 87* East as Michael 3d 13—till 86* Basil 7—till 87*
Under the Emperours West as Charles the Bald. 2. 878/ Charles the Fat-12. 800 East as Basilius/Leo
Under the Emperours West as Arnulph. 12 902 East as Leo. 900
In the Reign of Lewis the Godly, beginning 814
In Lothair Reign begining 840.
In Lewis the Seconds time begining 856.
In Charles the Bald's/Fat's time.
Century the tenth.
The Shine of Grace.
The Shine of Patience.
The Shine of Divine Justice.
In the Reigns of the Emperours West. as Lewis 3.901 to * East as Alexander to 9 ** Constantine to 9 *
Under Emperours of the West as Conrade. 913 to 9** Henry. 920 to 937 East as before and Romanus
Under the Emperours West as Otho. 1. from 938 to 9** East as
Under Emperours East John Zimisce after the Sons of Romanus West as Otho 2d from 974 to 983
Under the East Emperours as Basill. Constantine. West Otho 3. from 984 to
The Shine of Divine Efficiency.
The Shine of Divine Truth.
The Shine of Divine Grace.
The Shine of Divine Patience.
Prelatick Wickedness.
Strang Worship
The Shine of Divine Justice/Efficiency Under Henry 2
Under the Emperours West Conrade. 2. begining 10 ** East Constantine reigns 3, Romanus Arggropulus 5, Michael Paphlago. 5
Under the Emperours East as Michael Calaphat. And Theodora Constantin Monomach. 12./Theodora 2d and Michaeljura West as Henry3d begining 1039
Under the Emperour East as Isaaris [?] Comnenus 4/ Constantin Ducas 7½/Ro: Diagones 3 ⅔/Mic. Ducas 3 ½ West as Nicephorus 3/Alexius 33 Henry 4 reignd 5C/reignd total 54 ⅔
The Glory of Divine Truth.
Propetick Truth
Martyres Directly for Christs Truth
Here other Martyres that did Scape --- Recorded Stand as Sentenc't for Christs name.
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A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford
Oh Furseus where is thy face, and brow?
Patience doth blush to finde thy bull thus low.
A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford