University of Virginia Library



That God who calls the human mind,
A temple for himself designed,
A house upon a rock—
Assures us he will patient wait,
In mercy, at the mental gate,
And for admittance knock.
Who hears the gracious call within,
And draws the iron bolts of sin,
Which barricade the door,
Will banquet with a guest divine,
On life-imparting food and wine,
From Love's exhaustless store.
Come, then, dear Saviour—be my guest,
Knock louder at this flinty breast,
And rouse me with thy voice;
Then will I struggle to remove
The sins which now obstruct thy love,
And in that love rejoice.


Thou wilt not let me strive in vain—
The gates of brass shall burst in twain,
The iron bars shall fall;
Then will my soul thy temple be,
Where I shall ever feast with thee,
My God, my life, my all!