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Fair grew the lily, the vestal of flowers,
Nursed by the sunshine, kiss'd by the showers;
Lightly the honey-bee sang of his love;
Softly the summer air murmur'd above;
And the wild butterfly, beaming and blest,
Folded his frolic wings on her white breast.
So lent the lily her leaves to the air,
Woven of snow and light, holy and fair.
All that came to her went happy away,
For she was pure, and loving, and gay;
Balm, light and melody flew to the flower,
Making an Eden of bliss in her bower.
Meekly she bent when the storm darken'd by,
Brightly she smiled again to the blue sky,
And she thank'd God for his kindness and care
With her heart's incense that rose like a prayer.


So grew the lily, the vestal of flowers,
Kiss'd by the sunshine, nursed by the showers;
And when Death came to her, in her last sigh
Up stole the lily's soul into the sky.