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At a Generall Quarter held on Wedensday in the Afternoone for Virginia the 2i of Nouemb: i621

At a Generall Quarter held on
Wedensday in the Afternoone for
Virginia the 2i of Nouemb: i621


Sr Io: Dãuers.  Dor Anthony. 
mr Deputy.  mr Io: Smith. 
mrGibbℯ.  mr Shippard. 
mr Wrote.  mr Nicho: ffarrar. 
mr Challoner. 

mr Bromefeild mr Lent mr Steward mr Porter mr Binge Capt Bar-
graue mr Paulavicine mr Barbor Capt: Martin, mr Bull mr Couell mr
Leuer mr Rogers mr Ayres mr Wiseman mr Copland mr Whitly mr
Caninge mr Swinhowe mr Baynham mr Baron mr Mellinge mr Hack-
ett mr Robertℯ mr Meuerell mr Lawrence mr Morewood mr Sparrowe
mr Berblocke mr Hawes mr Trueloue mr Seaward, mr Bolton mr Peake
mr Rider mr Phesie mr Viner mr Widdowes mr Ditchfeild mr Heck-
ford mr Ley mr Waterhowse mr Newport with diuers others

Vpon readinge of the former Quarter Court holden for Virginia the
i3th of Iune last, some thingℯ beinge obserued to haue been com̃ended
to the care of seuerall Com̃ittees who could not well meet because the
buissinesses were appointed in the longe vacac̃on when most gentle-
men were out of Towne it was therefore nowe againe propounded and
desired that the same Com̃ittee would please to take those matters
againe into their considerac̃ons namely the Comittee appointed for
drawinge vp the Bill to be preferred to this present Parliament to
moue that howse that the poorer sort of people that encrease in mul-
titudℯ and swarme in all places of the Kingdome might be sent to
Virginia at the com̃on charge of the p̱ishes where they liue and where
they are exceedinge burdensome the Com̃ittee nominated were these

Sr Dudly Diggs. 
Sr Edwin Sandys. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers. [290


And whereas it was then thought fitt and desired that a publiq̢ Decla-
rac̃on might be made as well to the Companie of London as to all other
Citties and Townes of this Kingdome that haue aduentured any Som̃es
of mony towardℯ the Plantac̃on in Virginia to let them knowe what
proporc̃ons of land belongℯ vnto them in respect of their said Aduen-
tures and what proffittℯ they may make thereof by plantinge good and
staple Comodities, as also what the perticuler charge of transportinge
people and prouisions thither wilbe vnto them It beinge formerly
referred to a select Com̃ittee vizt.

Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Wrote. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Cranmer. 
mr Deputy ffarrar.  mr Berblocke. 
mr Io: Smith.  mr Secrẽ Dauison. 
mr Gibbs. 

They are nowe againe entreated to take some paines in drawinge vp
of the said Publicac̃on that such as haue bin Aduenturers may be
stirred vp to plant their land, wchwilbe to the great aduancement of the
generall Plantac̃on aswell as their owne priuate benifitt.

Mr Deputy signified that the Auditors accordinge to the order of the
Quarter Court in Iune last had made a true and perfect Account of
all such som̃es of money as haue bin receaued by the benifitt of the
Runinge Lotteries, and had also in the said Accountℯ declared the
vses wherevpon the said moneyes haue bin expended from time to
time for the aduancement of the Plantac̃on, wch Accountℯ they had
accordinge to the direcc̃on of the said Court presented in all humble
Duetie and thankefullnes vnto his Matie. The whole Court Som̃e
of wch Account amounted to about 29000li as may appeare, though it
was by diuers reported to haue bin a farr greater Som̃e.

Hee further signified that mr Barbor hauinge had his Accountℯ p̱ticu-
lerly examined by the Auditors touchinge his receiptℯ by the said Lot-
teries who audited the same the last Terme and allowed thereof for
wch he was then to haue had his Quietus est, mr Deputy therefore
moued that he might nowe haue it at this Quarter Court, but mr Barbor
rather desired that his Quietus est might be respited till the next


Quarter Court and that in the meane while his bookℯ of Accountℯ
might euery Cort day be brought in and laid vpon the Table to be
veiwed and p̱vsed and excepted against if any error could be found,
but if no exception in the meane while could be taken thereat he praid
he might then haue his Quietus est.

Whereas the Companie had formerly contracted with Captaine Norton
for settinge vp of a glasse furnace in Virginia to make glasse and
beadℯ (as by the p̱ticulers of the said Contract more at large may
appeare) It was nowe declared that for somuch as the Charge of fur-
nishinge out the said Capt Norton (when it came to be p̱ticulerly
examined) did farr exceed that proporc̃on wch he had before proposed
to the Companie insomuch as the Com̃on Stocke beinge altogether
exhausted was no way able to p̱forme the same, So that this great
worke whereof the Companie had conceaued so good a hope was like
to haue fallen to nothinge for want of sufficient meanes [291] to goe
forward with it, for wch cause the Company hauinge giuen it ouer it
pleased certen priuate Aduenturers to vphold the same and therevpon
entertayned the bargaine made with Capt: Norton and the Italians
vpon like condic̃ons as the Companie had Donn, and yet beinge unwil-
linge to exclude ye Companie from a buissines so much concerninge
them they did agree they should ioyne wth them in a fourth p̱t of ye
Charge and so p̱take a 4th of ye benefitt that should any waies accrue
thereby In considerac̃on whereof as also for their better encouragemt
the said Aduenturers moued that the Companie would please to
bestowe amongst them all the landℯ that should be due for transpor-
tac̃on of people sent thither to be imployed vpon the said worke, wch
moc̃on the Court conceaued to be verie reasonable and fitt to be
graunted in respect of the great charge they haue and must still be at
in prosecuc̃on thereof, beinge therefore put to the question the Court
confirmed the same vnto them.

Mr Deputy signified that whereas it pleased the Companie to rest the
exhibiting of his Accountℯ till this Quarter Court in respect that
moneyes were not then ready to discharge those debtℯ wch he and
some others stood engaged for for many kindℯ of prouisions taken vp
for the vse and seruice of the Company yet hauinge nowe satisfied a


good p̱t of the said Debtℯ (so as there remayned onely but 100li for the
Companie to paye) he thought good to present his Account as it was
though not fully perfited that they might be acquainted with the State
thereof and so leaue it to their pleasure for the auditinge of it, but the
Court conceaued it more convenient to respit the same till the next
Quartr Court, hopinge by that time sufficient meanes would come in
to the full finishing of his Account.

Concerninge Sr Edwin Sandys Account mr Deputy signified that he
would err longe be here himselfe to present the same vnto them, when
he doubted §not§ but he would giue the Companie good satisfacc̃on.

The Com̃ittee appointed by the former Court hauinge taken into con-
siderac̃on what proporc̃on of allowance they conceaued to be neces-
sarie for the present support and mayntenance of a Vice admirall in
Virginia whereof they conceaued there was a verie great necessity
and that the want of such an Officer haue bin no smale losse and
preiudice vnto the Companies Shipps and prouisions and other pub-
lique seruice haue thought fitt in respect of the quality of the place to
state the same wth 300 acres of land and the number of 12 Tenantℯ to
be placed therevpon for the plantinge and cultiuatinge thereof wch
allowances were thought verie reasonable and therevpon beinge put
to the question were ratified and confirmed.

And for somuch as mr Io: Pountis was espeacially recomended for the
said place of Vice admirall in respect of his sufficiency and continuall
reguard of the publique good §&§ of the Companies direcc̃ons (in
considerac̃on whereof he was by a former Court chosen to execute the
said place by Com̃ission prouisionally for one yeare vntill it might be
further confirmed vnto him by order of a Quartr Court) It is therefore
nowe agreed and ordered that the said Io: Pountis shall continue in
the place of Viceadmirall for three yeares begiñing from the date of
these presentℯ. [292]

Whereas there was a contribuc̃on of 70li freely giuen by certaine gen-
tlemen and Marriners of the East India Companie yt came home in
the Royall Iames wch they desired might be imployed towardℯ the


buildinge either of an East Indy Church or Schoole in Virginia at the
Choise of the Virginia Companie: Wherevpon it beinge referred to a
Com̃ittee and by them taken into considerac̃on they did nowe certifie
that many important reasons had moued them to agree in opinion yt
the said moneyes were fitt to be imployed for the buildinge of a free
Schoole in Virginia wch they likewise thought fitt should be called the
East Indy Schoole in honor of the said Benefactors they also signified
further that an vnknowne person out of a zealous affecc̃on to aduance
so pious a worke had giuen 30li more, both wch Som̃es were nowe
brought into the Court and laid vpon the Table It was also further
declared in the report of the said Com̃ittee beinge entred at large in
the Court held the last of october that they thought fitt for the mayn-
tenance of the said Schoolemr and his Vsher to be placed in the said
Schoole to allowe no lesse then 1000 acres of land and fiue p̱sons
besidℯ and Ouerseer of them wch they thought fitt should be forthwith
sent vpon this former charge (in condic̃on of Apprentices) to manure
and cultiuate the said lands, wch allowance of land and Servantℯ beinge
intended for this as a Collegiate Schoole, the Court conceaued to be
verie reasonable and therevpon beinge put to the question were
accordingly confirmed.

fforsomuch as it was also informed that mr Copland was a good meanes
by his owne example to moue the aforesaid Companie to giue that
contribucon of 70li beinge Preacher in the said Shippe and had further
allso writt to diuers ffactories in the East Indies to stirr them vp to
the like charitable contribuc̃on towardℯ this pious worke: It was there-
fore thought fitt and ordered that the said mr Copland by waye of
gratificac̃on should haue 3 shares old Aduenture bestowed vpon him
as a free guifte and should also be admitted a free Brother of the

It was likewise moued that the Companie would please to adm̃itt mr
Balmeford into their Society in respect he had deserued so well by his
often attendance at Courtℯ and readynes to doe the Companie seruice,
ffor wch cause the Court hath made him free and do intreat his accus-
tomed paines and attendance in the seruice of the Companie.


Mr Waterhowse beinge formerly chosen and appointed to collect the
moneyes from such as are indebted to the Company vpon subscriptions,
hauinge nowe presented his Propositions and agreemts made with the
appointed Com̃ittee who thought fitt to allowe him 50s a weeke for his
rydinge charges duringe his imployment to be taken out of his receiptℯ
from time to time and that a further considerac̃on should be had of his
paines and trauell herein, wth wch mr Waterhowse was contented and
promised to solicite the Bisps that were behinde gratis: The Court there-
fore takinge the said allowances into their considerac̃on did well aproue
thereof and beinge put to the question confirmed the same vnto him
promisinge to deale liberally with him vpon discharge of that [293]
buissines, and further also for his better encouragement in so good a
worke as he hath vndertaken they haue admitted him to be a free
Brother of the Companie: And touchinge his Comission wch he is to
haue under the Companies Seale whereby to authorise him to collect
the said moneyes the Court hath referred it to Sr Iohn Dauers assisted
with any fower other of the Counsell to drawe the same vp and beinge
accordingly engrossed they haue authorized mr Deputy to seale it with
the legall Seale.

Intelligence was giuen that my Lord Bp: of Rochester beinge solicited
for the moneys remayninge in his handℯ vnto the Companie vpon
Collecc̃on made in his lps Diocesse hath paid in the Some of 20li to
be imployed towardℯ the buildinge of the Colledge in Virginia.

Whereas Captaine Martin preferred a petic̃on to the Preparatiue
Court complayninge of diuers greivances wch he desired the Companie
to take into their considerac̃ons, an offer was made vnto him that if he
would surrender his old Patent wch had bin so often questioned and
complained of both by the Companie here and by the Gouernor and
Counsell of State in Virginia in respect of the vnlawfull priuiledges
therein; directly contradictinge the standing orders of the Companie
wch required all Patentℯ to be made alike wth equall fauor (exceptinge
the difference of Rent) vnto all, he should then not only haue a newe
Patent in as large and ample manner as any other whatsoeuer but
should also haue what further fauor and assistance for redresse of his
said greiuances, as the Companie in equity could afford him, notwith-


standinge this admonic̃on and faire offer Capt: Martin refused to
drawe deliuer vp his said Patent sayinge that he would petic̃on to
the Quarter Court touchinge the premisses, and stand to the censure
and iudgement thereof Wherevpon the matter beinge nowe againe
propounded and a Coppie of his Patent openly read many iust excep-
tions were taken thereat in respect it contayned greater im̃unities
then the Companie may or can graunt by the Kingℯ Letters Patentℯ,
in somuch as the Court thought fitt for their better informac̃on to
referr it to a select Com̃ittee to be reveiwed and therevpon did
mr Herbert.  mr Iermyn. 
mr Brooks.  mr Wrote. 
mr Earle.  mr Nicho: ffarrar. 
mr Gibbs. 
authorisinge them or any fower of them to meet about the same at
mr ffarrars howse when mr Deputy shall appoint and to call Capt:
Martin before them and to require a sight of the said Patent and
whatsoeuer other writinge that may concerne the same wch they are
entreated diligently to p̱vse and examine and to make report of their
proceedingℯ together wth their opinions touching the validity thereof
at the next Quarter Court. [294]

Mr Deputy gaue notice of nine Patentℯ nowe presented in Court to
passe the seale of the Companie hauinge been perticulerly examined
by the morningℯ Court wch did approue of them wch Patentℯ were of
Two sortℯ the one of such as were Aduenturers by moneys paid into
the Treasury for wch they had allowed 100 acres of land for euery sin-
gle share of Twelue poundℯ Ten shillings the other beinge for Plan-
ters only who had allowed fifty acres for euery person transported to
Virginia: Accordinge to wch two formes the said Patentℯ were drawne
and accordingly engrossed ready for the Seale being these that followe.

To Arthur Swayne Nathaniell Basse Aduenturers and to their Asso-
ciatℯ who vndertake to transport 100 p̱sons to Virginia.

To Rowland Truloue and diuers other Patentees Aduenturers & to
their Associatℯ who vndertake to transport 100 p̱sons.


To Iohn Crowe of Newton in the County of Washford in Ireland
esquire an Aduenturer who vndertakℯ to transport 100 p̱sons.

To Edw: Rider and his Associatℯ an Aduenturer vndertakinge to
transport 100 p̱sons.

To Capt Symon Leeke Planter vndertakℯ xc 100 p̱sons.

To Daniell Gookin of Corke in Ireland Planter xc 300 p̱sons.

To Edw: Bennett Robert Bennet Richard Bennett. Thomas Ayres
Thomas Wiseman and Richard Wiseman Planters who vndertaketh
for 200 p̱sons.

To Sr Charles North of Wakringham in the County of Nottingham
for 100:

To mr Leninge—100

So that the whole number vndertaken by the Aduenturers & Planters
to be transported to Virginia comes in all to 1200 p̱sons.

All wch Patentℯ beinge put to the question were confirmed and ordered
to be sealed.

Mr Deputy likewise moued signified of 4 Com̃issions appointed for
fower mrs of Shipps nowe bound for Virginia for transportac̃on of peo-
ple and goodℯ and after for a ffishinge voyage wch Com̃issions were
nowe engrossinge for the seale the draftℯ hauinge been examined and
approued of by the morningℯ Court vizt

The first Comission was to Iohn Huddlestone mr of the Bona Noua of
about 200 Tuñ.

To Tho: Smith mr of the Hopewell of 60 tuñ

To Dan: Gatℯ mr of the Darlinge of 40 tuñ

To Capt: Thom Iones mr of the Discouery of 60 tuñ.

All wch Com̃issions the Court authorised mr Deputy to seale. [295]

Mr Hawes moued that whereas the Companie had graunted a Patent
for a p̱ticuler Plantac̃on to Sr Robert Heath then Recorder of London
and to his Associatℯ who were not expressely named that therefore
the said Patent might be renued and haue their names inserted therein
wch request was thought verie reasonable and well assented vnto.

It was also moued and thought fitt that all such as had any shares
passed ouer vnto them by order of Court or were otherwise Planters or


Associatℯ vnto any such as were Planters or had vpon their priuate
charge sent any persons to Virginia, would please within some rea-
sonable time to declare themselues vnto the Court that notice might
be taken of their names to be registred in a booke for that purpose
to be kept whereby they might be admitted to come vnto Courtℯ: It
beinge otherwise against the order of the Companie for any to present
himselfe in Court before he be admitted.

Whereas the Auditors of the old Magazine were earnestly entreated
to audite the Accountℯ in mr Essingtons Handℯ and to giue warrant
to mr Richard Bull to pay what shall appeare to be due to euery man
the Brokℯ for non paymentℯ at due times beinge allowed accordinge
to the orders of the Magazine ffor somuch as it was informed that mr
Essington desired some better explanac̃on of the said order touch-
ing the times when the said Brokℯ are to take their begiñinge It is
found by pervsall of the bookℯ, that it was ordered that the Brokℯ
vpon default of the first payment should begin at Bartholmewe
tyde, and for default of the other payment appointed to be made in
Easter and Mich̴as Termes, the allowance for brokℯ should begin
at the end of those Termes, and so forward till this present daye
and to ruñ at 20 p̱ Centũ and that the Auditors should be certified of
this and desired to proceed accordingly.

Whereas a moc̃on was made in the former Court that for somuch as
many Bills of Aduenture were passed presented to the Court from
time to time wch were found to be omitted in the Printed Publicac̃on
that therefore the bookℯ might be hereafter kept alphabetticallwise
conteyninge the names of all such Aduenturrs wch moc̃on was well
approued of and order giuen to the Secretary to see it donn vnto
whome all such bills are to be deliuered that he may register their
names whome it doth concerne.

It beinge further moued in the former Court and referred to the con-
siderac̃on of this great Court, that whereas since the printed Publica-
c̃on many orders were established in Quarter Courtℯ that did binde
the Companie no lesse then the standinge lawes themselues that
therefore the aforesaid Courtℯ might be p̱vsed and [296] Collecc̃on


made into what part of all such §bindinge§ orders wch beinge further
ratified might be added to the rest of the Lawes in the Printed bookes
The Court approued well of this Proposition and haue therefore
recomended it to the care of a select Com̃ittee to see it donn vizt.

Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Wrote. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  mr Ro: Smith. 
mr Deputy.  mr Nicho: ffarrar. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Caswell. 

After these thingℯ were thus ordered mr Deputy aduertized the Com-
panie that he was to acquaint them with a waightie buissines namely
the proceedinge of some former Courtℯ touchinge the Lordℯ of the
Priuy Counsell their late proposic̃on and com̃aund for bringinge in
all their Tobacco into England to paye the custome here due for that
his Mats revenues (as it was alledged by ye ll͠s) could not other wise
be vpheld concerninge wch that this Court might the better vnder-
stand the whole proceed of this buissines from the verie begininge
thereof to that pointe and period it was brought vnto, and wherevpon
it nowe resteth he desired they would please to heare the same read in
order as it was p̳secuted wch buissines begañ the i5th of October last
and so forward as may appeare by the seuerall Courtℯ.

Wch beinge read mr Deputy made two requestℯ vnto ye Company, the
first was to knowe whither they did approue of that he had donne by
the aduise and direcc̃on of the ∥said∥ Courtℯ touchinge the former
Propositions, the second was that they would nowe please to deliuer
their opinions freely what course they conceaued best to take to
release the Companie of this strict com̃aund and to restore them-
selues to their former liberty, and the rather for that it was expected
that this ∥Court∥ especially (wherevnto it was referred) should do
somethinge herein and not omitt to declare their resoluc̃on touchinge
this present buissines concerninge the first the Court did generally
assent therevnto testifyinge their good approbac̃on of their p̳ceedingℯ
and of their aunsweares made vnto the lordℯ of the Counsell freely
acknowledginge, that as the Cash stood more could not haue bin
p̱formed, but for the other request concerninge the Companies expresse


resoluc̃ons touchinge the pointe in question, it was thought fitt to
respite the same vntill some longer time, forsomuch as the Parliamt
might happily effect somethinge that might ease the Companie of
that care & labor yet was it also held fitt that a choise and large
Com̃ittee should nowe be appointed to consult about this buissines
and prepare the same against there should be further cause giuen to
moue them to take some course for remedy hereof wherevpon these
herevnder named were nominated and desired to meet vpon the next
Satturday followinge at two of the Clocke in the afternoone at mr
ffarrars howse vizt
Lo: Cauendish. 
Lo: Padgett. 
Sr Edw: Sackuill.  Sr ffran: Egiocke. 
Sr Dudly Diggℯ.  Sr Io: Dauers. 
Sr Walter Earle.  Sr Sam: Sandys. 
Sr Phil: Carey.  Sr Lawr Hyde. [297
Sr Ro: Phillip. 
mr Deputy, mr Gibbs, mr Wrote, mr Nicho: Hide mr Brooke mr Ier-
myn mr Challonr, mr Kightly mr Roberte mr Bateman mr Ro: Smith
mr Ditchfeild mr Caswell mr Ayers mr Abraham Chamberlen mr Bland
mr Bull mr Barbor mr Nicho: ffarrar mr Smith mr Caninge.

After this a moc̃on was made that for somuch as many Excellent
Proiects had bin propounded at diuers Courtℯ in this last vacac̃on
when many gentlemen were out of Towne, whereby they could not
take that notice of them that was fitt that therefore they might nowe
againe be read and published in open Court, seinge they did not onely
tend to the great benifitt of the Aduenturers that were interessed
therein but also to the great honor and aduancemt of the generall
Plantac̃on as would more plainely appeare by the Rollℯ themselues
beinge read vnto them wherevpon order was giuen for readinge of
them seuerally.

The first beinge for settinge vp of a glasse furnace in Virginia for
makinge of glasse and beads for the vse and benifitt of the Colony to


trade wthall, to wch end certen Italians and others to the number of
16 p̱sons were already sent wch worke is hoped by this to be in a good
forwardnes sett vp in aduancement whereof diuers Aduenturers had
vnderwritten xli a peece beinge the Som̃e proposed to be paid by each
Aduenturor wch is to be imployed in a Iointe Stocke: So that that per-
ticuler Roll was already come to the Some of 500li.

A second Roll was a Magazine for prouisions of Apparrell and other
necessaries whereof the Colony stood in great need and did earnestly
desire to be supplied wch was nowe prouided and the Shippe Departed
wch was like to returne good proffitt vnto the seuerall Aduenturers
vnto wch Roll there was already vnderwritt for a Iointe Stocke 1800li.

The Third Roll was for sendinge of Maydℯ to Virginia to be made
Wyues, wch the Planters there did verie much desire by the want of
whome haue sprange the greatest hinderances of the encrease of the
Plantac̃on, in that most of them esteeminge Virginia not as a place of
Habitac̃on but onely of a short soiourninge haue applyed themselues
and their labors wholly to the raisinge of present proffitt and vtterly
neglected not only staple Com̃odities but euen the verie necessities of
mans life, in reguard whereof and to preuent so great an inconven-
ience hereafter whereby the Planters mindℯ may be the faster tyed to
Virginia by the bondℯ of Wyues and Children, care hath bin taken to
prouide them younge handsome and honestly educated maydℯ whereof
60 are already sent to Virginia being such as were specially recomended
vnto the Companie for their good bringinge vp by their parentℯ or
friendℯ [298] of good worth: Wch maydℯ are to be disposed in mar-
riage to the most honest and industrious Planters who are to defraye
and satisfie to the Aduenturors the charges of their passages and pro-
uisions at such ratℯ as they and the Aduenturors Agents there shall
agree and in case any of them faile through mortality it is ordered
that a proporc̃onable addic̃on shalbe made vpon the rest, In the fur-
therance of wch Christian Acc̃on diuers of the said Aduenturors had
vnderwritt diuers good som̃es of money none vnder 8li whereby the
whole Some of that Roll did already amount to 800li as may appeare
by the subscriptions.


The ffourth Roll was intended for a most certaine and benificiall trade
of ffurrs to be had wth the Indians in Virginia in the lymittℯof the
Southerne Colony, it beinge credibly informed both by letters from
the Gouernor and Counsell of State in Virginia as also by relac̃on of
others of the great Trade of ffurrs wch is yearely made by the ffrench
and Duch Shipps in a verie great proporc̃on in D' Lawarr and Hud-
sons Riuer beinge not aboue 30 or 50 leagues distant from the Plan-
tation and for that there is at this present so good an opertunity
offered for the cheape and safe managing of the said Trade it hath
moued many of the former Aduenturors to subscribe vnto this Roll,
Also wherein it is so ordered that none shall subscribe aboue 100li nor
any man for lesse then 20li. Whereof onely a Third part for the
present voyadge is to be imployed in wch Roll there is already vnder-
written the Some of 900li wch Shippe is also departed.[1049]

The fift Roll wch is the last though not the least in estimac̃on is for
the sendinge of Shippwrightℯ and howse Carpenters to Virginia where
plenty of materialls is to be had, So that the onely want was of Skill-
full and sufficient workemen in those kinde of professions whereof
Diuers did nowe offer themselues to goe, wth whome the Colony beinge
once furnished they will in short time be enhabled with Pynnaces
and Boatℯ to make further discoueries vp into the Countrie and by
meanes of howses ready framed to their handℯ and afforded at reason-
able ratℯ the Planters there and such as come newe ouer wilbe able to
furnish themselues from time to time with substantiall howses well
built and in a good manner to the comfort of the Inhabitants and
future strength of the Plantac̃on.

Herevpon it was signified that it was not the intent and meaninge of
the former priuate Aduenturers to exclude any or to appropriate the
same the same only to such as had already vnderwritten but that it
was free for any member of the Companie to ioyne wth them and p̱take
of the honor and [299] and proffitt that would arise vnto them
thereby wherevpon many gentlemen then present did offer themselues


to become Aduenturers and subscribed vnto some of the said Rolls
But for somuch as it was nowe growne late: It was moued that the
Rolls might be presented at euery Court between this and the next
Quarter Court, to the end that such as were disposed might subscribe
vnto them.

Notice was giuen of a certaine gentleman lately come out of Ireland
that offered to transport Cattle to Virginia at easie ratℯ: It was there-
fore moued that such as were desirous to send any Cattle thither
would please to acquaint mr Deputy therewith that they might proceed
to a further treaty with the said Gentlemen.

Mr Deputy also signified that there were diuers verie good Shipps
offred to goe to Virginia and therefore moued that such as had either
goodℯ or Passengers would giue notice of their names that preparac̃on
might be made accordingly.


A letter to the Colony by the Company, concerning the third and fourth Rolls, is mentioned in
List of Records, No. 279, p. 151, ante.