University of Virginia Library


Professor Smith.

Adjunct Professor Routh.

Required for Admission to the Work of the School: The General
Entrance Examination and in addition English Literature 1A or its

For Undergraduates.

Course 1B: The Short Story, the Essay, and the Oration as Types
of Literature: English Literature 1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite.
These three dominant types of prose literature will be studied both in
their origins and in their structural development. Representative specimens
will be analyzed and readings assigned. Plots will be suggested
for original short stories, and themes for essays and orations. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 10-11. Cabell Hall.

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Course 2C: American Literature: English Literature 2B or 3B (or
the equivalent of either
) prerequisite.—The general theme of this course
will be the Americanism of American literature. The attempt will also
be made to appraise the contributions of the different sections of the
country to the growth of a national spirit and to the formation of national
ideals. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9-10. Cabell Hall.