University of Virginia Library

Aug. 23-29

Go to Grace Church and hear a sermon from Mr. Boyden but owing to my defective hearing, I'm not much edified. Mary Lewis and Jim get down in time for church. Mary Lewis remains with us. Jim returns after dinner taking Met with him. Poor little fellow, he wanted to see home and is animated very much. Mary Lewis brings us word Ma is better. They have known lots of company since we left home. Spend a day and night at Clover Fields. Mary Walker seems to be uncommonly well considering all things. [She was dying of tuberculosis.] Cousin Peggy [Nelson] and I talk of kin folks. Mr. [Francis K.] Nelson is away. Also stay a day and night at cousin Fanny Hart's and such a merry party as we have. Miss Betsy Hart from Richmond and May Hart and our party included Lizzie Dee Lewis, E. Craven, Sue, Mary Lewis, John Sinclair, Robert Lewis, Hugh Nelson and I. It surely made me feel quite young to be with such a frolicing set. Bob takes his first lessons in flirting. Miss Betsy "puts him through." We walk home and on our way make the wedding call at Clarksville. -cousin Jane took us for a crowd of beggars, such a rowdy look crew as we were with borrowed shoes, old cloaks and chicken bonnets. Brother Jim and his whole family get back on Wednesday. He is not as much improved as I had hoped for. Looks very feeble. Hope the full benefit of the water, is yet to be felt. Spent one day with them intending going over the next day bag and baggage but the rain prevented. "The night of terror." A mere matter of moon shine, however. Put up at Music Hall on Friday. Quiet happy times.