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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Anno gracie xixo, Tiberii iiijo.

This ȝer deghet that c[uo]ynt clerke,
Ouide, that exilet was
out of Rome for wikket werke
in one boke that he mad thenne has,
The whiche book was of paramur,
al forto teche men for to wow,
and broght mony in grete langour
for kokewald wer mo thenne i-nowe,
And mony ladyes of that cite
defoulet thurght hys token tho,
the emperesse als defoulet he,
and thurgh his token mony mo.
Ther-fore from Rome he was exilet
in-to the yle of Pounce i-wys,
for by hym wymmen wer bigilet
and mony made to do amys.
Ther-fore an-other book he made
was callet of suche loue remedy,
to amonde that he done hade
and teche wymmen to wayue that ny,
In whiche book these verses sette he,
that by-ny[t]h[e] arn writen her
in Latyn, as ȝe wel moun se,
that semet he ruet his doyng der:

Naso minus prudens artem dum tradit amandi, doctrine pretium triste magister habet.