The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester | ||
Ne þat is elderne hulde ne þe godeman sein tomas
Þouȝte þat þing aȝe riȝte neuere lawe nas
Ne soþnesse ac costume mid strengþe vp iholde
& he wuste þat vr louerd in þe gospel tolde
Þat he him sulf was soþnesse & costume nout
Þeruore luþer costumes he nolde graunti nouȝt
Ne þe king nolde bileue þat is elderne adde iholde
So þat contek sprong bituene hom mani volde
Þe king drou to riȝte lawe mani luþer costome
Sein tomas hom wiþsede & grantede some
Þe lawes þat icholle nou telle he grauntede vawe
Þouȝte þat þing aȝe riȝte neuere lawe nas
Ne soþnesse ac costume mid strengþe vp iholde
& he wuste þat vr louerd in þe gospel tolde
Þat he him sulf was soþnesse & costume nout
Þeruore luþer costumes he nolde graunti nouȝt
Ne þe king nolde bileue þat is elderne adde iholde
So þat contek sprong bituene hom mani volde
Þe king drou to riȝte lawe mani luþer costome
Sein tomas hom wiþsede & grantede some
Þe lawes þat icholle nou telle he grauntede vawe
Ȝuf a þuman haþ a sone to clergie idrawe
He ne ssal wiþoute is louerdes [wille] icrouned nouȝt be
Vor þuman ne may nouȝt be imad aȝen is louerdes wille fre
Anoþer þing he grauntede ek as ȝe mowe nou ise
Vor þuman ne may nouȝt be imad aȝen is louerdes wille fre
Anoþer þing he grauntede ek as ȝe mowe nou ise
Ȝuf a man of holichirche halt eni lay fe
Person oþer wat he be he ssal do þeruore
Kinges seruise þat þer valþ þat is riȝte ne be uorlore
In playdinge & in asise be & in Iugement also
Bote war man ssal be bilemed oþer to deþe ido
He grantede ek ȝuf eni man þe kinges traytour were
& eni man of is chateus to holi churche bere
Þat holi churche ne ssolde nouȝt þe chateus þere lette
Þat þe king þere oþer is as is owene is ne vette
Vor al þat þe felon haþ þe kinges it is
& ech man mai in holi churche is owene take ywis
He grantede ek þat a churche of þe kinges fe
In none stede ene & euere ne ssolde iȝiue be
As to hous of religion wiþoute þe kinges leue
& þat he oþer þe patron þe ȝifte verst ȝeue
Seint tomas grantede wel þes & oþer mo
Ac þis oþere he wiþsede þat dude him wel wo
Person oþer wat he be he ssal do þeruore
Kinges seruise þat þer valþ þat is riȝte ne be uorlore
In playdinge & in asise be & in Iugement also
Bote war man ssal be bilemed oþer to deþe ido
He grantede ek ȝuf eni man þe kinges traytour were
& eni man of is chateus to holi churche bere
Þat holi churche ne ssolde nouȝt þe chateus þere lette
Þat þe king þere oþer is as is owene is ne vette
Vor al þat þe felon haþ þe kinges it is
& ech man mai in holi churche is owene take ywis
He grantede ek þat a churche of þe kinges fe
In none stede ene & euere ne ssolde iȝiue be
As to hous of religion wiþoute þe kinges leue
& þat he oþer þe patron þe ȝifte verst ȝeue
Seint tomas grantede wel þes & oþer mo
Ac þis oþere he wiþsede þat dude him wel wo
Ȝuf bituene tueie lewedemen were eni striuing
Oþer bituene a lewede & a clerc vor holichurche þing
As vor voweson of churche weþer ssolde þe churche ȝiue
Þe king wolde þat in is court þe ple ssolde be driue
Oþer bituene a lewede & a clerc vor holichurche þing
Þe king wolde þat in is court þe ple ssolde be driue
The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester | ||