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The Argvment.

The Gods in counsaile sit, to call
Vlysses from Calypso's thrall;
And order their high pleasures, thus;
Gray Pallas, to Telemachus
(In Ithaca) her way addrest;
And did her heauenly lims inuest
In Menta's likenesse; that did raigne
King of the Taphians (in the Maine,
Whose rough waues neare Leucadia runne)
Aduising wise Vlysses sonne
To seeke his father; and addresse
His course to yong Tantalides
That gouern'd Sparta. Thus much said,
She shewd she was Heau'ns martiall Maid,
And vanisht from him. Next to this,
The Banquet of the wooers is.