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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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To Leonellus. Submission.

Thy mountyng minde doth still aspire,
thou still doest boast and cracke:
And Leonel thou wouldest be
Magister totum fac.
And whilest thou powtst thus puft wt pride,
and deemst thou doest excell
All else beside, thou driuest thy selfe,
to deepest pit of hell.
Ah, yet at length submit thy self,
let Pride thee not beguile:
Deare shalt thou be to Christ, if thou
seeme to thy selfe as, vile.