University of Virginia Library


VIIa Sonett

[Loe heir my sone a mirrour viue and fair]


MS. ROYAL 18.B.xv.

Loe heir my sone a mirrour viue and fair
Quhilk schawis the schadow of a vorthie king
Loe heir a booke, a paterne dois ȝow bring
Quhilk ȝe sould preass to follow mair and mair
this trustie freind the treuthe will never spair
Bot giue a guid advyse vnto ȝow heir
how it sould be ȝour chief and princelie cair
to follow verteu, vyce for to forbeare
And in this booke ȝour lessoun vill ȝe leare
for gyding of ȝour people great and small
than as ȝe aucht gif ane attentiue eare
and panss how ȝe thir preceptis practise sall
ȝour father biddis ȝow studie heir and reid
how to becume a perfyte king indeid