University of Virginia Library


Sing to Jehovah an anthem of praise,
And tell of his glory in rapturous lays;
Sing of his triumphs when demons assaulted,
When hosts of infernals his human assailed,
The hells were subdued, and the Victor exalted—
Like man he was tempted—like God he prevailed.
Sing to Jehovah an anthem of praise,
And tell of his triumphs in rapturous lays.


Praise him, ye ransomed—he conquered for you,
Who fled from your sins, and beheld them pursue,
Whelming your spirits in deep tribulation;
But Jesus was present, a pillar of fire,
And led you in safety through seas of temptation,
In which you beheld each assailant expire.
Sing to Jehovah an anthem of praise,
And tell of his triumphs in rapturous lays.
Praise him who conquered our spiritual foes,
When fierce, like an army of horsemen, they rose,
Threatening again in their shackles to bind us;
Through billows of trouble he led us to shore,
While the horse and his rider were foundered behind us,
O'erwhelmed in the gulf, to assail us no more.
Sing to Jehovah an anthem of praise,
And tell of his triumphs in rapturous lays.