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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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Edmund Price owned land for a short time in the neighborhood
of Scott's Landing prior to 1770. John Price
married Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Brown, of Brown's
Cove, and in 1777 seems to have been a resident of Augusta

Richard Price was one of the earliest inhabitants of Milton,
and there spent his life. He died in 1827. He was twice
married. His children by his first wife were Jane, the wife
of John Watson, Isabel, the wife of Edmund Read, and
Lucy, the wife of John Burks, and mother of Lucy Jane, the
wife of Lilburn R. Railey. His second wife, Frances, had a
daughter, Sarah, who became the wife of Robert C. Scott, of

In the early years of the century, John Price lived in the
northeast part of the county. His wife was Sarah, daughter
of Abraham Munday, and his children John, Henry, Matilda,
the wife of William Marshall, Amanda, the wife of Nimrod
Herring, Louisa, the wife of Thomas Harlow, Harriet, the
wife of Thomas Salmon, Daniel and Nimrod.

Henry Price about 1823 came to Charlottesville from
Mecklenburg County. He was a native of Stockport, England,
and a tailor by trade. He owned at one time the
house on the corner of the west side of the Square and High
Street, and the house in the rear of the late Thomas Wood's.
The latter he sold in 1829 to Dr. Frank Carr. He died in
1835. The next year his widow Nancy bought the lot on
Park Street, north of Thomas Wood's, and built the brick
house, which in comparatively recent years was enlarged by


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R. R. Prentis. He had a daughter Rebecca, who became the
wife of Christopher Hornsey, and a son Henry, who lately
acquired some notoriety, by exploiting a patent for an
immense tract of land in the disputed zone between Venezuela
and British Guiana.

Stephen C. Price in 1826 married Lydia Ann, daughter of
Charles Harper. He lived on a farm on the south side of the
old Richard Woods Road, southwest of Ivy Depot. He acted
for a time as Treasurer of the County School Commissioners.
He died in 1845. His children were Lucy, the wife of Jesse
L. Maury, Charles H., Daniel, Robert, Elizabeth, and Sarah,
the wife of James E. Pride.