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CXXXI. Commission to George Thorpe and William Tracy as Governors of the Plantation in Virginia August 28, 1620
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CXXXI. Commission to George Thorpe and William Tracy as
Governors of the Plantation in Virginia
August 28, 1620

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (24), Pages 125–126
Document in New York Public Library. Copy
List of Records No. 199


To all Xr̃ian people to whome theis p̢sentℯ shall come, we Richard Berkeley
of Stoke Gifford in the county of Glouc̃ Esq̢ and Iohn Smyth of North-
nibly in the said county gent doe send greetinge. Wheras we the said
Richard and Iohn togeather wth Sr Wilɫm Throkm9ton knight and baronet
and George Thorpe Esq̢ did in the month of September last past send one
ship furnished called the Margaret and in her .36. men for plantac̃on in
the land of Virginia. Then purposinge (as still we doe) to increase that
number of men at other subsequent voyages and returnes of the said ship
or some other, and there to erect and build a towne to be called Berkeley


and to settle and plant our said men and dyu9s other inhabitantℯ there to
the honor of allmighty god, the inlardginge of Xr̃ian religion and to the
augmentac̃on and renowne of the generall plantac̃on in that country and
the p̱ticuler good and p̳fit of our selves men and servantℯ as we then
hoped, and still doe. And wheras also for the better orderinge and
governemt aswell of the said men then shipped and sent and of those that
should then after be by vs sent in augmentac̃on of that number as also of
our affayres & busines of what kind soever in that country happeninge or
arisinge, we did agree with one captayne Iohn Woodleefe to take vpon
him the charge oversight and gou9nemt both of our said men and busi-
nesses whose authority is sithence revoked or otherwise directed: And
wheras the said George Thorpe in March nowe last past did depart this
realme of England, and is (as we verily hope) before this tyme safely
arrived amongst our said men and servantℯ in Virginia, the better by his
p̢sence to further and direct the affaires and busines of our said plantac̃on,
with whom also were by vs sent in supply three other men six kyne and
other necessaries in furtherance of our said plantac̃on. And wheras also
the said Sr Wilɫm Throkm9ton hath in May nowe last past by good con-
veyance in the lawe assigned to Wilɫm Tracy of Hayles in the said county
of Glouc̃ Esq̢ All his interest whatsoever wch he any wayes had or might
clayme to have in the said Plantac̃on men cattle goods or affaires of Vir-
ginia of what kind soever, wch said Wilɫm Tracy intendeth likewise (by
gods assistance) in his owne p̱son to goe into Virginia within twenty dayes
nowe next ensuinge the date hereof, and there for the further good of the
said plantac̃on to settle himselfe in the said Towne nowe called Berkeley,
where by the speciall favour of allmighty god and the industry of our said
men and servants a hopefull foundac̃on is layd by dyu9s forts and build-
ings already erected, gardens and other enclosures made, as from thence
we are credibly enformed: with wch said Wilɫm Tracy is nowe intended to
be sent from the port of Bristoll vnder his comaund one other ship called
the Supply furnished with .54. p̱sons and all things requisite for augmen-
tac̃on and advancement of the said plantac̃on. Nowe knowe yee that
we the said Richard Berkeley and Iohn Smyth by vertue and force of the
authority and power given vnto vs in and by one Indenture bearinge date
the third day of ffebruary [126] in the xvjth yeare of his Maties raigne
made to vs the said Sr Wilɫm Throkm9ton Rich Berkeley George Thorpe
& Iohn Smyth and to Sr George Yardley knight nowe governor of virginia


(who sithence hath wayved any intermedlinge in the said plantac̃on) by the
Treasorer and company of Adventurers and planters of the City of London
for the first Collony in Virginia with the advise and consent of the counsell
of the same. Have authorized and appoynted And by theis p̢sentℯ as
farre as in vs lyeth doe authorize and appoynt the said George Thorpe
and Wilɫm Tracy to be gou9nors of all our said people men and servantℯ,
to p̱forme and execute their said office and authority of governors by and
accordinge to the power and authority vnto vs given by the said Indenture
from the Treasorer and company of Virginia aforesaid, and accordinge to
the ordinances directions articles and instructions by vs agreed vpon
lymited and subscribed, some of wch are herewith also delyu9ed to the
said Wilɫm Tracy, and of such others as hereafter we shall p̢scribe and
send and not otherwise. Givinge likewise and grantinge vnto the said
George Thorpe and Wilɫm Tracy full power and authority as much as in
vs lyeth Aswell by way of exportac̃on out of England as by way of trade
either wth the natives of Virginia or wth the English there residinge or to
be residinge to be our cheife m9chants, and to comerce truck & trade as to
them shall seeme best to and for vs and to and for our and their owne
vse & behoofe Ioyntly accordinge to the agreemtℯ amongst vs, therby to
bringe or send vnto vs by way of importac̃on any such m9chandizes as
the said Country of Virginia doth or shall afford, All wch the said George
Thorpe and Wilɫm Tracy for Ioynt benefit and advantage of vs and
themselves faythfully promise to p̱forme accordingly. In witnes wherof
we have hereto put our hands and seales the xxviijth day of August .1620.
Anno xviijo Iacobi Regis Anglie &c.