The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
At a Generall Quarter Court ∥held∥ for
Virginia on Wedensday in the
forenoone the 21 of Nouember i621
mr Deputy. | mr Challonr. | mr Mellinge. |
mr Gibbs. | mr Barbor. | mr Bennett. |
mr Wrote. | mr Bland. | mr Wiseman. |
mr Shippard. | mr Ayres. | mr Baynham. |
mr Nicho: ffarrar. | mr Caswell. | mr Widdowes. |
With diuers others. |
It beinge formerly ordered by the preparatiue Court that in reguard
of many buissinesses that were to be dispatched this Daye the Court
should begin in the forenoon to examine such Patentℯ as were
appointed to be made ready against this Court as also such Com̃is-
sions as were to be graunted to mrs of Shipps to ffish and trade, the
sented to this Court were read and §after examinac̃on beinge put to
ye question were§ well approued of.
Patent to | ||
Arthur Swaine xc for plantinge of | 100 p̱sons | |
Rowland Truloue xc for | 100 | |
Iohn Crowe xc | 100 | Aduenturers |
mr Edw: Ryder | 100 | |
mr Symond Leeke | 100 | |
Daniell Gookin | 300 | |
mr Edw: Bennett | 100 | Planters |
Sr Charles North | 100 | |
mr Leninge | 100 |
The Com̃issions granted for ffishing Cr trade were these vizt[1047]
Io: Huddleston mr of the Bona Noua | of 200 tuñ |
Tho: Smith mr of the Hopewell of of | 60 tuñ |
Daniell Gale mr of the Darlinge of | 40 tuñ |
Capt. Tho: Iones mr of the Discouery of | 60 tuñ |
Whereas it appeareth by the printed booke of names of the Aduen-
turors that one Io: Clapham paid 25li into the Treasury who lately
died intestate. It was therefore moued this Court would please to
confirme the said two shares of §land§ vnto mr[1048]
Clapham being
his next heire, But in respect no Billℯ of Aduenture could be showen
to proue the deceased Clapham to be that Io Clapham menc̃oned in this
printed booke the Court remained in some doubt least he was not the
same man and therefore haue respited the graunt of the said Shares
till his claime appeare to be iust by some clearer evidence. [289]
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||