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Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education.—To
be admitted to regular standing as candidates for the Bachelor of Science
in Education, students must have satisfied the entrance requirements of
the College. Students who have decided to enter the teaching profession
at the time of entering college should register with the Dean of the Department
of Education in order to be advised by members of the faculty
in planning their curricula. Holders of State Teachers' Scholarships are
required to register with the Department of Education.

Three courses in Education (Education B1, Education B2 and Education
B3) are especially suited to the needs of first-year students. These
courses count as group electives in Group VI toward any degree offered
in the College.

Requirements for the Admission of Women.—To be admitted to the
Department of Education, women must be twenty years of age, must
meet the entrance requirements of the University and must have completed
two years of college work aggregating thirty session-hours in
academic subjects. Candidates not able to meet these requirements may
make up their deficiencies during the summer quarter.

Special Students.—Graduates of colleges and universities other than
the University of Virginia, desiring to secure the necessary professional
training to qualify for the Collegiate Professional Certificate, may register
in the Department of Education and upon completion of the required
courses receive a certificate which will entitle them to the Collegiate
Professional Certificate issued by the State Board of Education.

Graduate Students.—Students meeting the entrance requirements of
the Graduate Department of the University of Virginia may take the advanced
courses in Education by meeting the prerequisite requirements in
the individual courses.