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Page 117


Professor Heck.

Professor Maphis.

Professor Manahan.

The Purpose of the School of Education.—In the rapid development of
educational science and the resulting attention given to the improvement of
the several phases of public education, it is important that all who are interested
in the growth of this great agency of democracy, generally or professionally,
be given ample opportunity to study its underlying principles, organization
and most practical applications. Those who aim to teach or to administer public-school
affairs require instruction and training in the scientific principles and in
the technique of their calling. The study of the principles, ways and means of
formal education is incumbent on all citizens who earnestly seek an intelligent
and conscientious balloting on public-school affairs. For these reasons the
courses in the School of Education aim to supply the needs of the two classes
of citizens referred to.

Besides those courses which, as contributing toward a liberal education,
may be advantageously included in programs of study leading to the cultural
academic degrees (see pages 143-144), the School of Education offers a wide
range of courses for the professional training of teachers and public school
administrators. One curriculum is offered leading to the degree of B.S. in Education
(see page 145), and one curriculum leading to a teacher's certificate only.

1. Students receiving the B.S. in Education will receive the Professional
Collegiate Certificate issued by the Department of Public Instruction of Virginia.

2. A student who cannot complete the requirements for the B.S. in Education,
or who must delay the completion of them, may elect the following two-year
course which leads to a Teacher's Certificate issued by the Department of
Public Instruction of Virginia. This work may later be credited toward the
B.S. in Education. The course, comprising 30 session-hours, embraces the following

(a) From the School of Education: Education B2, B3, B6, and B7 or
B8. Total: 12 session-hours.

(b) From the other Academic Schools: One modern language course
from Group I and one course each from Groups II, III, IV and V. Total:
18 session-hours.

Courses for Teachers in Service.—Saturday courses in any subject offered
in the School of Education will be arranged for teachers in service, if
requested by at least five teachers. Degree credit will be allowed on the same
basis as in regular courses, provided that not more than one and one-half
session-hours of credit shall be given for the work in any course for one year.

Recommendation of Teachers.—The recommendation of teachers is in
charge of the Bureau of Appointments, through which positions are secured,
not only for students in the School of Education, but for other students who
are known to be fitted to fill vacancies reported. In response to requests from
the proper authorities, teachers are recommended for positions as instructors
in colleges and normal schools, as superintendents, as supervisors in special


Page 118
subjects, as principals or department teachers in high schools, and as principals
of elementary schools. The demand for teachers has been greater than the
supply. Correspondence in regard to this matter may be addressed to the
Bureau of Appointments, University, Virginia.

For Undergraduates.

Education B1: Biological Foundations of Education.—First term: Stages
and factors of organic evolution. Second term: Heredity and eugenics. Third
term: Educational applications.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Monday
and Wednesday, 7.30-9 p. m. Cabell Hall. Professor Heck.

Education B2: Educational Hygiene.—First term: Measurement, defects,
and hygiene of development. Second term: Hygiene of school buildings, equipment,
and management. Third term: Personal and community hygiene.—(B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Monday and Wednesday,
4.45-6.15. Cabell Hall. Professor Heck.

Education B3: Secondary Education.—This course is intended primarily
for students who expect to teach, or to occupy some administrative position in
high-school or general educational work. It embraces a study of the secondary
school—its historical development and present tendencies, its place and function
in organized society, the current conception of secondary education and its
relation to higher education, its program of studies, the high-school plant, the
organization and administration of state high-school systems.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Monday and Saturday, 12-1.30. Cabell Hall. Professor

Education B4: The Psychology of Elementary and High-School Subjects.—First
term: Handwriting, drawing, reading, music, spelling, history
and geography. Second term: Elementary and high-school mathematics; general
science. Third term: Language, English, the principal arts. The material
of the three terms will include the study of various tests and scales in the
several school subjects. The aim of the entire course is to analyze the nature
of each subject so that prospective teachers may understand the mental processes
involved in each subject.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.)
Hours to be arranged. Cabell Hall.

Education B5: Applied Psychology: Biology B1 or Philosophy B3, prerequisite.—First
term: The education of the instincts, together with a detailed
study of laws of habit-formation and the psychology of learning various subjects.
Second term: The education of the senses, together with a special study
of imaging in the forms of perception, association and memory. Third term:
The education of the higher thought processes, with a study of the emotions and
of aesthetics.—(B. A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Hours to be arranged.
Cabell Hall.

Education B6: Principles and Methods of Teaching and Study.—First
term: The educational value of the modern program of studies; the psychology
of high-school subjects. Second term: Lesson types: Appreciation, drill, induction,
deduction, exposition, recitation, examinations; the meaning, methods
and problems of each. Third term: Supervised study—its meaning; contents


Page 119
of subject-matter; methods of study; investigations and results.—(B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Hours to be arranged.
Cabell Hall.

Education B7:

Section I: Educational Administration and Supervision.—First term: State
and county school organization. Second term: City school systems. Third
term: State and local school organization in Virginia. A study of state school
law.—Tuesday and Thursday, 4.30-6.

Section II: Public School Administration in State and City: Contemporary
Tendencies and Problems.—For students interested in the organization
and administration of educational activity as a branch of state and municipal
affairs. A detailed study of present-day tendencies and problems in school organization
and administration will be presented.—Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4.30.

(B.A. or B.S. credit for either Section I or Section II, 3 session-hours.)
Cabell Hall. Professor Manahan.

Education B8: Elementary School Organization and Supervision.
First term: Organization of the elementary school and its relation to the
high school. Second term: The function and qualifications of elementary
school principals and teachers; the training of teachers in service. Third term:
The curriculum of the elementary school and its reorganization.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Hours to be arranged. Cabell
Hall. Professor Manahan.

Education B9. European and American Schools.—First term: Ancient
and mediæval education. Second term: Development of modern school systems.
Third term: Comparative study of education in the United States,
Great Britain, Germany, and France.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of
electives-at-large.) Hours to be arranged. Cabell Hall. Professor Heck.

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Education C1: The Place of the Child in Society.Two B courses in
Education prerequisite.
—First term: Study of the child in the social sciences.
Second term: The out-of-school life of school children. Third term: Child
life in foreign countries.—Hours to be arranged. Cabell Hall. Professor Heck.

Education C2: School Administration: Education B7 and one other B
course in Education, prerequisite.
—An advanced course in school administration,
dealing with the following: (a) Problems in the application of the
principles of scientific management to education; (b) School surveys: aims,
scope, method, and possibilities; (c) Principles governing the derivation,
standardization and application of standard education tests.—Hours by appointment.
Cabell Hall. Professor Manahan.

For summer-school courses in Education on which college credit is allowed,
see page 214.


The Federal Board for Vocational Education and the State Board of Education
of Virginia have approved a coöperative plan by which a four-year college
course for the training of teachers of agriculture in secondary schools under the


Page 120
provisions of the Smith-Hughes Act will be offered jointly by the University of
Virginia, the College of William and Mary and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Under this plan the first year's work in the course may be taken at any one
of the three institutions, the second and third year at the Virginia Polytechnic
Institute, and the fourth year at the University of Virginia or the College of
William and Mary. The University will offer the work of the first and fourth
years in 1918-1919.