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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” —1 Timothy, i. 17.

King of kings! O teach us how
We before Thee ought to bow:
Not alone on bended knee,
Should we offer praise to Thee;
May Thy grace to us impart,
Prostrate spirit, humbled heart.


King Eternal! O prepare
Us eternity to share:
By thy Spirit's influence here,
Keep us in thy holy fear,
That, hereafter, ours may be
Bless'd eternity with Thee.
King Immortal! through thy Son
Immortality is won:
Give us faith in Him, that we
Over death may victors be;
And, accepted for His sake,
May to endless life awake.
King Invisible! supply
Sight unto that inward eye,
Which should look on “things unseen,”
But by sin hath darken'd been;
Thou canst cause the blind to see,
Ope that eye to look on Thee.
Lord of lords! and King of kings!
Heaven's high vault with praises rings;
Should not man on earth proclaim
Honour, glory, to Thy name,
If, when he from earth shall sever,
These he would ascribe for ever?