University of Virginia Library

Hymn for Whit-sunday.


He's come! let ev'ry Knee be bent,
All Hearts new Joy resume;
Let Nations sing with one Consent,
The COMFORTER is come!


No Anxio'us Thought molest our Peace,
This Day all Grief retire;
Let ev'ry Fear for ever cease,
And ev'ry Doubt expire.


There is no end of the Content
And Joy the Spirit brings!
Happy the Man to whom 'tis lent!
That Man sees wond'rous Things!
What greater Gift, what greater Love
Can God on Man bestow?
'Tis half the Angels Heav'n above,
And all our Heav'n below.


Hail Blessed Spirit! not a Soul
But does the Influe'nce feel;
Thou dost our Darling Sins controul,
And fix our Waveri'ng Zeal:
Thou to the Consciene dost convey
The Checks that all must know;
Thy Motions first does point the Way,
Then give us Strength to go.


As Pilots by the Compass steer
Till they their Harbour find,
So do thy sacred Breathings here
Guide ev'ry wand'ring Mind:
The Flesh may strive our Course t'impeach,
The World's rough Billows roar;
But following Thee w'are sure to reach
The safe, Eternal Shore!