University of Virginia Library

Secunde Lenuoy.

Passe forthe, Parotte, towardes some passengere,
Require hym to convey yow ovyr the salte fome;
Addressyng your selfe, lyke a sadde messengere,
To ower soleyne seigneour Sadoke, desire hym to cum home,
Makyng hys pylgrimage by nostre dame de Crome;
For Jerico and Jerssey shall mete togethyr assone
As he to exployte the man owte of the mone.
With porpose and graundepose he may fede hym fatte,


Thowghe he pampyr not hys paunche with the grete seall:
We haue longyd and lokyd long tyme for that,
Whyche cawsythe pore suters haue many a hongry mele:
As presydent and regente he rulythe every deall.
Now pas furthe, good Parott, ower Lorde be your stede,
In this your journey to prospere and spede!
And thowe sum dysdayne yow, and sey how ye prate,
And howe your poemys arre barayne of polyshed eloquens,
There is none that your name woll abbrogate
Then nodypollys and gramatolys of smalle intellygens;
To rude ys there reason to reche to your sentence:
Suche malyncoly mastyvys and mangye curre dogges
Ar mete for a swyneherde to hunte after hogges.