University of Virginia Library


Doing something, do it well,
Let your efforts ever tell,
Of a purpose firm and true,
Keep the golden rule in view.
Be engaged in doing good,
Motives pure and understood;
In life's struggle take a part,
With a brave, yet tender heart.
Woes of others freely share,
Words of kindness never spare,
Weep with those in sad distress,
Joy in others' happiness.
Do not coldly criticise
Erring ones, nor yet despise,
Speak not with disparity,
Spread the veil of charity.
Of the faults you chance to see,
In another pityingly,
Brush the tear drop from the cheek,
Take his hand and kindly speak.
Words are things of little cost,
Souls for lack of them are lost,
And to others ever do,
As you'd wish it done by you.