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[Father, and God of Abraham, hear]

Father, and God of Abraham, hear,
Who didst in faithful mercy send
A kind celestial messenger,
To save the brother of Thy friend,
While vengeance on the wicked came,
Snatch'd as a brand out of the flame;
Hear us, who now for mercy call,
Us, who in Abraham's footsteps go,
Before Thy lifted thunder fall,
Before Thy wrath our land o'erthrow,
Like Sodom and Gomorrah make,
And plunge us in the burning lake.
With kind distinguishing regard
Preserve the poor afflicted few,
Who watch, for all events prepared,
With gushing eyes the wicked view,
Vex'd with their deeds, while day by day
We weep our pensive lives away.


Remember, Lord, the righteous man,
And us, and ours, far off remove,
Exempted from judicial pain,
Conducted to the mount above,
O let us to our Zoar fly,
And find a place of refuge nigh.
Thou never canst Thy foes consume,
Unless Thou first secure Thy friends;
Thy friends retard the' impending doom,
And lo! the judgment still impends,
Till all who will, escape, and rest
Close shelter'd in their Saviour's breast.