University of Virginia Library



[And are Thy plagues and mercies, Lord]

And are Thy plagues and mercies, Lord,
Already out of mind?
Thy threatening and preserving word
So quickly cast behind?
The crowd alarm'd with short surprise,
And spared, alas! in vain,
Started, and half unseal'd their eyes,
And dropp'd to sleep again.
If trouble for a moment seize
Their unawaken'd breast,
The trouble but confirms their peace,
The earthquake rocks to rest.
Thy words behind their back they cast,
Thy patient pity scorn,
Nor thank Thee for the judgment past,
Nor dream of its return.
But whether they Thine hand will see,
Or still Thine anger dare,
Saviour of men, we turn to Thee,
With thankfulness, and prayer.


We own Thy mercy in the stroke,
Thy praise to Thee we give,
That when the earth beneath us shook,
Thou wouldst not let it cleave.
The cause of all, our nation's sin,
We mournfully confess;
But Thou who didst the shock begin,
Hast made the motion cease.
Vapours and damps confess'd their God,
And did Thy word fulfil,
And earth observed its Maker's nod,
And trembled, and was still.
Accepting our deliverance, Lord,
Our long, or short, reprieve,
Thy wondrous goodness we record,
And to Thy glory live.
We never will the grace forget,
But thankfully improve,
And still in songs of praise repeat
Thy providential love.