University of Virginia Library

Robin, the Kitchie-Boy



Joseph Robertson, “Adversaria,” p. 66; noted down from a female servant, July 15, 1829.


It was a king, and a verra greit king,
An a king o muckle fame,
An he had a luvelie dauchter fair,
An Dysie was her name.


She fell in love wi the kitchie-boy,
An a verra bonnie boy was he,


An word has gane till her father dear,
An an angry man was he.


‘Is it the laird? or is it the lord?
Or a man o high degree?
Or is it to Robin, the kitchie-boy?
O Dysie mak nae lee.’


‘It's nae the laird, nor is it the lord,
Nor a man o high degree,
But it's to Robin, the kitchie-boy;
What occasion hae I to lee?’


‘If it be to Robin, the kitchie-boy,
As I trust weel it be,
The morn, afore ye eat meal or drink,
Ye'll see him hanged hie.’


They have taen Robin out,
His hair was like threads o gold;
That verra day afore it was night,
Death made young Dysie cold.