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In the year 552.


Agathias, book i. Gregory of Tours, book iv, chap. 9.


Gontram did not even march against Gondovald, who styled himself son of Clotharius, and claimed his share of the kingdom.


Sometimes to the number of twenty. See Gregory of Tours, book v, chap. 27; book viii, chaps. 28 and 30, book x, chap. 3. Dagobert, who had no mayor in Burgundy, observed the same policy, and sent against the Gascons ten dukes and several counts who had no dukes over them. — Fredegarius, "Chronicle," chap. 78, in the year 636.


Gregory of Tours, book viii, chap. 30, and book x, chap. 3.


Ibid., book viii, chap. 30.


See the second supplement to the "Law of the Burgundians," tit. 13, and Gregory of Tours, book ix, chap. 36.