University of Virginia Library



What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”—St. Matt. xvi. 26.

It seemed that I had only lost
My earthly treasures and their trust,
When swelling Jordan's floods were crost
And left behind each earthly lust;
What in the purging had I won,
When the last sacrifice was done?
Upon the altar I had laid
My love and life and every breath,
And though my heart was sore afraid
I passed the shadow that is death;
Above the Cross, with awful arms,
Stood betwixt me and worldly charms.
Friends had forsaken me, and kin
Turned from me in my trial hour,
While sweeter ways and pleasant sin
Broke at my feet in scarlet flower;
What had I gained but cruel scorn,
Who gave the blossom for the thorn?
But ere the murmur quite was shaped
Or I had uttered the regret,
I saw the pit I had escaped
And how with Grace I was beset;
I found myself, my soul, my Love,
And offering all reaped all above.