University of Virginia Library



When unseen fingers part the leaves,
To show us beauty's face;
And Earth her breast of glory heaves,
And glows from Spring's embrace:
Flowers Fairy-like on coloured wings
Float up,—Life's sea doth swell
And flush a world of vernal things,
Came little Lilybell.
And like a blessed Bird of calm
Our love's sweet want she stilled;
Made Passion's fiery wine run balm,—
Life's glory half fulfilled!
From dappled dawn to twinkling dark,
Our witching Ariel
Moves through our heaven! O, like a lark
Sings little Lilybell!
And she is fair—ay, very fair!
With eyes so like the dove;
And lightly leans her world of care
Upon our arms of love!
It cannot be that ye will break
The promise-tale ye tell;
Ye will not make such fond hearts ache,
Our little Lilybell!
As on Life's stream her leaflets spread,
And tremble in its flow,
We shudder lest the awful Dead
Pluck at her from below!


Breathe faint and low, ye winds that start;
O stream, but softly swell;
Your every motion smites the heart
For little Lilybell!
We tremble lest the Angel Death,
Who comes to gather flowers
For Paradise, at her sweet breath
Should fall in love with ours!
O, many a year will come and go,
Ere from Life's mystic well
Such stream shall flow, such flower shall blow,
As little Lilybell!
Ah, when her dear heart fills with fears,
And aches with Love's sweet pain,
And pale cheeks burn through happy tears,
Like red rose in the rain!
I marvel, Sweet, if we shall see
The sight, and say 'tis well,
When the Beloved calls for thee,
Our dainty Lilybell!
How rich Love made the lowly sod,
Where such a flower hath blown!
O Love, we love, and think that God
Is such a love full-grown!
Dear God! that gave the blessed trust,
Be near, that all be well;
And morn and eve bedew our dust,
For love of Lilybell!