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The three tours of Doctor Syntax

In search of 1. The picturesque, 2. Of consolation, 3. Of a wife. The text complete. [By William Combe] With four illustrations

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Here this unsought-for converse ended,
The ladies on the sage attended,
And at the sound of breakfast bell, Took 'special care to feed him well:
Nor did they want an equal zeal At ev'ry stated, plenteous meal:
While to the charming female college,
He well return'd the food of knowledge.
—On the next day a friendly call Re-summon'd him to Bounty Hall.
The messenger arriv'd from town, Had brought the apparatus down,
By which the Doctor was to ply His fav'rite art with novelty;
To see what his unpractis'd toil Could do with canvas and with oil.
The pallet set, with colours grac'd, The easel in due posture plac'd,
The curtain'd window's softened glare,
Of fav'ring light th'admitted share,
The Lady seated and full-drest,
Call'd up those looks she thought the best,—
When Syntax, with uplifted eye, And somewhat of a doubting sigh,
Whisper'd a soft soliloquy;
Or, with hesitation fraught, Rather indulg'd a doubtful thought.