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Exemplified in the Eleventh Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews.


Author of Faith, Eternal Word,
Whose Spirit breathes the active flame;
Faith, like its Finisher and Lord,
To-day as yesterday the same:
To Thee our humble hearts aspire,
And ask the gift unspeakable:
Increase in us the kindled fire,
In us the work of faith fulfil.
By faith we know Thee strong to save:
(Save us, a present Saviour Thou!)
Whate'er we hope, by faith we have,
Future and past subsisting now.


To him that in Thy name believes,
Eternal life with Thee is given;
Into himself he all receives,
Pardon, and happiness, and heaven.
The things unknown to feeble sense,
Unseen by reason's glimmering ray,
With strong, commanding evidence
Their heavenly origin display.
Faith lends its realizing light,
The clouds disperse, the shadows fly,
The' Invisible appears in sight,
And God is seen by mortal eye.


By faith the holy men of old
Obtain'd a never-dying name;
The Sacred Leaves their praise unfold,
And God Himself records their fame.
Through faith we know the worlds were made,
By His great word to being brought:
He spake; the earth and heaven obey'd;
The universe sprang forth from nought.
The heavens Thy glorious power proclaim,
If Thou in us Thy power declare;
We know from whom the fabric came;
Our heart believes, when God is there.
Thee through Thyself we understand,
When Thou in us Thyself hast shown,
We see Thy all-creating hand,
We feel a God through faith alone.



Believing in the woman's Seed,
And justified by faith alone,
Abel a nobler offering made,
And God vouchsafed his gifts to own.
Witness Divine he thus obtain'd,
The gift of righteousness received;
And now he wears the crown he gain'd,
And sees the Christ he once believed.
Still by his faith he speaks, though dead;
He calls us to the living way:
We hear; and in his footsteps tread:
We first believe, and then obey.


Exempted from the general doom,
The death which all are born to know,
Enoch obtain'd his heavenly home
By faith, and disappear'd below.
From earth unpainfully released,
Translated to the realms of light,
He found the God by faith he pleased;
His faith was sweetly lost in sight.
God, without faith, we cannot please:
For all, who unto God would come,
Must feelingly believe He is,
And gives to all their righteous doom.
We feelingly believe Thou art:
Behold, we ever seek Thee, Lord,
With all our mind, with all our heart,
And find Thee now our great reward.



Divinely warn'd of judgments near,
Noah believed a threatening God;
With humble faith, and holy fear
He built the ark, and 'scaped the flood.
He (while the world that disbelieved,
The careless world of sinners, died)
The righteousness of faith received:
Noah by faith was justified.
We too by faith the world condemn,
Of righteousness Divine possest,
Escape the wrath that covers them,
Safe in the ark of Jesu's breast.


Obedient to his God's command,
And influenced by faith alone,
Abraham left his native land,
Went out, and sought a place unknown;—
A place he should possess at last,
When full four hundred years were o'er;—
Upon the Word himself he cast;
He follow'd God, and ask'd no more.
As in a strange, though promised, land,
(A land his distant heirs received,)
He and his sons in tents remain'd;
He knew on whom he had believed.
A better heritage he sought,
A city built by God on high;
Thither he raised his towering thought,
He fix'd on heaven his steadfast eye.


Whose firm foundations never move,
Jerusalem was all his care,
The New Jerusalem above;
His treasure and his heart was there.
And shall not we the call obey,
And haste where God commands, to go?
Despise these tenements of clay,
These dreams of happiness below?
Yes, Lord; we hearken to Thy call;
As sojourners o'er earth we rove;
We have for Thee forsaken all,
And seek the heaven of perfect love.


By faith the handmaid of the Lord,
Sarah, received a power unknown;
She judged Him faithful to His word;
Barren and old, she bore a son.
Nature had lost its genial power,
And Abraham was old, in vain:
Impossibilities are o'er,
If faith assent, and God ordain.
He glorified Jehovah's name;
(God spake the word, it must be done;)
Father of nations he became,
And multitudes sprang forth from one.
From one old man the race did rise,
A barren womb the myriads bore,
Countless as stars that deck the skies,
As sands that crown the ocean-shore.



The worthies these of ancient days,
By faith they lived, in faith they died:
Not yet received the promised grace,
But darkly from afar descried.
Assured the Saviour should appear,
And confident in Christ to come,
Him they embraced,—though distant, near,—
And languish'd for their heavenly home.
Pilgrims they here themselves confess'd,
Who no abiding-place must know;
Strangers on earth, they could not rest,
Or find their happiness below.
Regardless of the things behind,
The earthly home from whence they came,
A better land they long'd to find,
A promised heaven was all their aim.
Their faith the gracious Father sees,
And kindly for His children cares;
He condescends to call them His,
And suffers them to call Him theirs.
For them His heaven He hath prepared,
His New Jerusalem above;
And love is there their great reward,
A whole eternity of love.


Abraham, when severely tried,
His faith by his obedience show'd;
He with the harsh command complied,
And gave his Isaac back to God.


His son the father offer'd up,
Son of his age, his only son,
Object of all his joy and hope,
And less beloved than God alone.
His seed elect, his heir foretold,
Of whom the promised Christ should rise,
He could not from his God withhold
That best, that costliest sacrifice.
The father curb'd his swelling grief;
'Twas God required, it must be done;
He stagger'd not through unbelief,
He bared his arm to slay his son.
He rested in Jehovah's power;
The word must stand which God hath said;
He knew the' Almighty could restore,
Could raise his Isaac from the dead.
He knew in whom he had believed,
And, trusting in Omnipotence,
His son as from the dead received,
His steadfast face received him thence.
O for a faith like his, that we
The bright example may pursue;
May gladly give up all to Thee,
To whom our more than all is due!
Now, Lord, for Thee our all we leave;
Our willing soul Thy call obeys;
Pleasure, and wealth, and fame we give,
Freedom, and life, to win Thy grace.
Is there a thing than life more dear,
A thing from which we cannot part?—
We can; we now rejoice to tear
The idol from our bleeding heart.


Jesu, accept our sacrifice;
All things for Thee we count but loss;
Lo! at Thy word our Isaac dies,
Dies on the altar of Thy cross.
Now to Thyself the victim take;
Nature's last agony is o'er;
Freely Thine own we render back,
We grieve to part with all no more.
For what to Thee, O Lord, we give,
An hundred-fold we here obtain;
And soon with Thee shall all receive,
And loss shall be eternal gain.


Isaac by faith declared his race
In Jacob and in Esau blest;
The younger by peculiar grace
A nobler heritage possess'd.
By faith expiring Jacob knew
Distinguish'd mercies to pronounce;
His hands found out the happy two,
And blest his favourite Joseph's sons.
He raised himself upon the bed;
Propp'd on a staff, he own'd his Lord;
The patriarch bow'd his hoary head,
His body with his soul adored.
Joseph by faith the flight foretold
Of Israel's afflicted race;
God their hard bondage should behold,
And lead them to the promised place.


Thither he will'd his bones to go,
And take possession in their stead:
His bones the promised land shall show;
He claims his Canaan, though dead.


Moses by faith from death was saved;
While heedless of the tyrant's will,
His parents in their God believed,
And dared the lovely babe conceal.
By faith, when now to manhood grown,
A just contempt of earth he show'd,
Refused a prince's name to own,
And sought but to be great in God.
In vain its pomps ambition spreads,
Glory in vain displays her charms;
A brighter crown its lustre sheds,
A purer flame his bosom warms.
Wisely he chose the better part,
Sufferings with God's elect to share:
To pleasures vain he steel'd his heart;
No room for them when God is there.
Fleeting he deem'd them all, and vain;
His heart on heavenly joys bestow'd;
Partaker of his people's pain,
The' afflicted people of his God.
Egypt unfolds her golden blaze,
Yet all for Christ he counts but loss;
A richer treasure he surveys,
His Lord's anticipated Cross.


He triumph'd in His glorious shame,
On pleasure, fame, and wealth look'd down;
'Twas heaven at which his wishes aim'd,
Aspiring to a starry crown.
By faith he left the' oppressive land,
And scorn'd the petty rage of kings,
Supported by Jehovah's hand,
And shadow'd by Jehovah's wings.
His steady way he still pursued,
Nor hopes nor fears retard his pace;
The' Invisible before him stood,
And faith unveil'd the Saviour's face.
By faith he slew the typic Lamb,
And kept the passover of God:
He knew from whom its virtue came,
The saving power of sprinkled blood.
With all the servants of his Lord,
He (while the first-born victims died)
Dared the destroying angel's sword,
And, arm'd with blood, its point defied!


While through the sea by faith they past,
The sea retired at God's command,
The waves shrink back with trembling haste,
The waves a crystal barrier stand.
The' Egyptians, daring to pursue,
With horror found a watery grave;
Too late their want of faith they knew,
And sunk beneath the' o'erwhelming wave.



By faith, while Israel's host surrounds
Proud Jericho's devoted walls,
The ark stands still, the trumpet sounds,
The people shouts, the city falls.
Rahab by faith deliverance found,
Nor perish'd with the' accursed race;
The harlot, for her faith renown'd,
Amongst the worthies takes her place:
Worthies, who all recorded stand,
And shine in everlasting lays;
And justly now they each demand
The tribute of distincter praise.
Gideon and Barak claim the song,
And David good, and Samuel wise,
And Jephtha bold, and Samson strong,
And all the ancient prophets rise!
The battles of the Lord they fought
Through faith, and mighty states subdued;
And works of righteousness they wrought,
And proved the faithfulness of God.
They stopp'd the lions' mouths, the rage
Of fire they quench'd, escaped the sword;
The weak grew strong, and bold to' engage,
And chase the hosts that dared their Lord.
Women their quicken'd dead received;
Women the power of faith display'd,
With steadfast confidence believed,
Believed their children from the dead.



Others, as in a furnace tried,
With strength of passive grace endued,
Tortures and deaths, through faith, defied;
Through faith resisted unto blood.
Earth they beheld with generous scorn,
On all its proffer'd goods look'd down;
High on a fiery chariot borne,
They lost their life to keep their crown.
Secure a better life to find,
The path of varied death they trod,
Their souls triumphantly resign'd,
And died into the arms of God.
The prelude of contempt they found,
A spectacle to fiends and men;
Cruelly mock'd, and scourged, and bound,
Till death shut up the bloody scene.
Or stoned, they glorified their Lord;
Or joy'd, asunder sawn, to' expire;
Or rush'd to meet the slaughtering sword;
Or triumph'd in the torturing fire.


Naked, or in rough goatskins clad,
In every place they long confess'd
The God, for whom o'er earth they stray'd,
Tormented, destitute, distress'd.
Of whom the world unworthy was,
Whom only God their Maker knew;
The world they punish'd with their loss,
The holy anchorites withdrew.


Lone, unfrequented wilds they trod,
O'er mountain-tops the wanderers ran,
With milder beasts in dens abode,
And shunn'd the haunts of savage man.


Famed for their faith, all these believed,
By justifying faith made whole:
Nor yet the promised grace received,
The Christ, the fulness in their soul.
A better gift He us provides,
On whom the Gospel-times are come;
And, lo! the Holy Ghost abides
In us, and makes our hearts His home.
We now our elder brethren meet,
Their faith and happiness improve;
And soon with them shall shine complete
In Christ, and perfected in love.